Gaius Norbanus

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Gaius Norbanus surnamed Bulbus (or Balbus), Roman politician, was a seditious and turbulent democrat. In 103 BC, when tribune of the people, he accused Quintus Servilius Caepio the Elder of having brought about the defeat of his army by the Cimbri through rashness, and also of having plundered the temple of Tolosa. Caepio was condemned and went into exile.

About ten years later, Norbanus himself was accused of treason on account of the disturbances that had taken place at the trial of Caepio, but the eloquence of Marcus Antonius Orator, grandfather of the triumvir Mark Antony, procured his acquittal.

In 89 BC Norbanus as praetor successfully defended Sicily against the Italian socii during the Social War. During the civil war between Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla he sided with the former. He was consul in 83 BC and met Sulla returning to Italy. He was defeated by Sulla at the Battle of Mount Tifata near Capua, and again by Metellus at Faventia in Cisalpine Gaul (82 BC). He fled to Rhodes, where he committed suicide, while the Rhodians were debating whether to hand him over to Sulla.

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Political offices
Preceded by
Lucius Cornelius Cinna and Gnaeus Papirius Carbo
Consul of the Roman Republic
83 BC
with Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus Asiagenus (83 BC)
Succeeded by
Gnaeus Papirius Carbo and Gaius Marius the Younger