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Page Description Languages
Acronym Protocol Vendor Reference
AFPDS Advanced Function Printing Data Stream IBM
HBP Host Based Printing Brother
NCM Native Compression Mode Brother
P-Touch Brother
BJL Bubble jet Language Canon
UFR Ultra Fast Rendering Canon
  • CAPT (Canon Advanced Printing Technology)
  • CaPSL - Canon Printing System Language (See also LIPS)
  • Code V (QMS)
  • CPCL Comtec Printer Control Language (Zebra, Comtec)
  • CPL (Tally Compressed Printer Language)
  • Diablo 630
  • DPL Datamax Programming Language
  • EPCL Eltron Printer Command Language (Zebra, Eltron)
  • EPL1 Eltron Programming Language 1, Line Mode Printing (Zebra, Eltron)
  • EPL2 Eltron Programming Language 2, Page Mode Printing (Zebra, Eltron)
  • Epson 3/P/Si
  • Epson FX
  • Epson GL
  • Epson GL2
  • Epson LQ
  • ESC/P - Epson Standard Code for Printers
  • ESC/P2 - Epson Standard Code for Printers, Level 2
  • Hiper-C (OKI Hiper-C)
  • IBM I239X Used by IBM 2390/2391
  • IBM 5577 Used by IBM 5577 (Japanes) (Also known as Ricoh R55)
  • IPDS - Intelligent Printer Data Stream
  • IPL Intermec Programming Language
  • JetReady (HP JetReady)
  • KPDL (Kyocera’s own implementation of PostScript)
  • LAVAFLOW - Zenographics PCL (Zenographics inplementation of PCL - HP Page Description Language)
  • LCDS - Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream Xerox printers
  • LIDIL (HP Lightweight Imaging Device Interface Language)
  • LIPS - Canon Laser-beam Image Processing System
  • Metacode - Xerox Xerox LPS printers
  • MO:DCA - IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture
  • NEC PC-PR201H NEC (Japanese)
  • OAKT (Oak Technology (now Zoran))
  • OPL Konica Minolta 2480MF
  • PCL - HP Page Description Language
  • PCL XL - HP Page Description Language Level 6
  • PDF/A
  • PDF/X
  • PGL (Printronix Graphics Language)
  • PPA - HP Printing Performance Architecture
  • PPDS - IBM Personal Printer Data Stream
  • PostScript
  • Prescribe - Kyocera
  • ProPrinter - IBM ProPrinter
  • QPDL - Quick Page Description Language (Samsung Printer Language II / QPDL)
  • RENO
  • RPCS - Ricoh Refined Printing Command Stream
  • RPDL - Ricoh Page Description Language
  • RTL - HP Raster Transfer Language
  • SCP - HP Sleek Control Protocol
  • SCS - SNA Character String
  • SLX Used by the Lexmark c500n. (Software Imaging K.K.)
  • SMART (Samsung SMART)
  • SPDL Standard Page Description Language (ISO/IEC DIS 10180)
  • SPL - Samsung Printer Language (Samsung Printer Language)
  • SVG Print
  • XHTML Print
  • XQX Used by the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1005
  • XPS - XML Paper Specification
  • XSL-FO
  • ZIMF (Zenographics ZIMF)
  • ZjStream - Zenographics SuperPrint Zj Stream
  • ZPL1 Zebra Programming Language
  • ZPL2 Zebra Programming Language II
Printer/Job Control Languages and and Printer Managment Languages/Interfaces
  • AFP - Advanced Function Printing Is used on IBM Mainframes for page printers.
  • CPAP - Common Printer Access Protocol Developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
  • CPCA - Canon Common Peripheral Controling Architecture Developed by Canon.
  • EJL - Epson Job Language Developed by Epson. Very similar to PJL.
  • IPP 1.0 - Internet Printing Protocol 1.0 (RFC 2566, RFC 2565)
  • IPP 1.1 - Internet Printing Protocol 1.1 (RFC 2911, RFC 2910)
  • LPR - Line Printer Remote (RFC 1179)
  • LPRng - LPR next generation
  • NPAP - Network Printing Alliance Protocol Developed by Lexmark.
  • PJL - HP Printer Job Language Implements communication between a bidirectional printer device and a computer. PJL - HP Printer Job Language was defined and implemented by Hewlett-Packard.
  • PML - HP Printer Managment Language Developed by Hewlett-Packard. Mostly used with HP’s inkjet printers.
  • TCP/IP Raw: Port 9100 (TCP/IP)
  • TIP/SI - Transport Independent, Printer/System Interface Standard for Information Technology for Transport Independent Printer/Scanner Interface (IEEE Std 1284.1-1997)
  • VLink - HP VLink Part of PPA - HP Printing Performance Architecture.

[edit] Printer physical I/O channel specifications

  • Parallel Port
  • USB - Universal Serial Bus
  • Serial Port

[edit] Digital printer technologies

Marketing technologies:

  • Page printer
    • Laser printer
    • LED printer
  • Line matrix printer
  • Serial impact dot matrix printer
  • Inkjet
  • Thermal printer
    • RFID printer
  • Mobile printer

Actual technologies are:

  • Electrophotography /Xerography
  • Ink jet
    • Electrostatic pull
    • Valve jet
    • Continuous ink jet
    • Drop on demand
    • Solid
  • Electrophotographic
  • Ionographic (electron beam imaging)
  • Magenetographic
  • Thermal
    • Direct thermal
    • Thermal transfer
    • Dye sublimation

Obsolete technologies:

  • Drum
  • Chain
  • Band
  • Belt / finger
  • Daisy wheel
  • type element (golf ball)
  • Type bar
  • Type wheel