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XM106/M106 Self-propelled Mortar carrier with 107 mm (4.2 inch) M30 mortar firing through large, circular roof hatch in hull rear. The XM106 was originally known as the T257E1 before the US Army changed their designation system.
 M106A1 M106 with diesel engine.
 M106A2 M106A1 with M113A2 improvements.
M125 Mortar carrier similar to M106, but with 81 mm M29 mortar.
M132 Armored Flamethrower A full-tracked self-propelled flame thrower carrier, with small turret carrying an M10-8 flamethrower and coaxial M73 machine gun, plus fuel and pressure tanks in rear of hull.
 M132A1 Modified M113A1s rather than M113s.
M163 VADS (VADS) is an M168 anti-aircraft gun mounted on the M741 carrier.
M474 Carrier used as Pershing 1 nuclear missile Transporter erector launcher (TEL) and as Warhead Carrier, Programmer Test Station/Power Station carrier and Radio Terminal Set carrier.
Pershing erected for launch on TEL, PTS/PS carrier in foreground
Pershing erected for launch on TEL, PTS/PS carrier in foreground
XM546 Guided missile carrier/launcher for the MIM-46 Mauler surface to air missile.
 XM546E1 Proposed version with lengthened chassis featuring a sixth set of road-wheels.
XM548/M548 Unarmored 6 ton cargo carrier.
XM548E1 Unarmored carrier/launcher for the MIM-72 Chaparral surface-to-air missiles of the M54 system. Redesignated XM730.
M577 This variant is used as a command vehicle, generally as a tactical operations center (TOC). The passenger compartment is raised to 74.75 in (189.9 cm). The compartment has a commander's hatch with no weapons mount or vision blocks. A tent is carried on the top rear and attaches directly to the rear of the track to provide greater work space. Multiple M577s can be connected via the tents forming a larger operations center. An additional fuel tank is mounted in the right rear of the compartment. Long-range communications is expedited by the use of a hand-cranked extendible antenna system. A 4.2 kW auxiliary power unit (APU) is mounted on the right front of the vehicle to provide 24 volt power. The APU can be dismounted using a davit (crane) carried on board and sandbagged for noise suppression. A single APU can provide power for two M577s. The compartment includes features such as map boards, folding tables, radio, computer terminals and other command and control equipment.