G. R. S. Mead

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George Robert Stowe Mead (18631933)[1][2] was an author, editor, translator, esotericist, and an influential member of the Theosophical Society.

He was born in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England into a military family, and educated at The King's School, Rochester and St John's College, Cambridge.

Mead became a member of Blavatsky's Theosophical Society in 1884. He abandoned his teaching profession in 1889 to be Blavatsky's private secretary, which he was until her death in 1891. During this time, he was also an assistant editor to her monthy magazine, Lucifer, which was the vehicle for her society, but principally herself. When he finally took over as its editor, he renamed it The Theosophical Review.

Some time between 1895 and 1901 he married another prominent Theosophist, Laura Cooper, sister of Theosophist Isabel Cooper-Oakley.


Founders of the T. S.

Helena Blavatsky
William Quan Judge
Henry Steel Olcott


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Geoffrey Hodson · C.W. Leadbeater
Alfred Percy Sinnett · Rudolf Steiner
Abner Doubleday


Theosophical mysticism
Seven Rays


Theosophical Society
TS Adyar · TS Pasadena · ULT

Theosophical texts

Isis Unveiled
The Key to Theosophy
Mahatma Letters
The Secret Doctrine
The Voice of the Silence

Theosophical Masters

Sanat Kumara
Djwal Khul
Paul the Venetian
Serapis Bey
Master Hilarion
Master Jesus
Master Rakoczi

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[edit] Works

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ 1891 England Census, showing a household including "Constance Wachtmeister Manager of Publishing Office; G.R.S. Mead, Author Journalist; Isabel Oakley, Millener; Helena Blavatsky, Authoress; and others"
  2. ^ 1901 England Census, showing "George R S Mead, age 38, Editor and author born Battersea, Surrey and his wife Laura M Mead, age 44, no occupation, born Dellie[sic], India"

[edit] External links

[edit] See also