G20 developing nations

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G20 logo
Map of some current and former G20 countries.
Map of some current and former G20 countries.

In March 2006, the group consisted of 21 nations:

  1. Flag of Argentina Argentina
  2. Flag of Bolivia Bolivia
  3. Flag of Brazil Brazil
  4. Flag of Chile Chile
  5. Flag of the People's Republic of China China
  6. Flag of Cuba Cuba
  7. Flag of Egypt Egypt
  8. Flag of Guatemala Guatemala
  9. Flag of India India
  10. Flag of Indonesia Indonesia
  11. Flag of Mexico Mexico
  12. Flag of Nigeria Nigeria
  13. Flag of Pakistan Pakistan
  14. Flag of Paraguay Paraguay
  15. Flag of the Philippines Philippines
  16. Flag of South Africa South Africa
  17. Flag of Tanzania Tanzania
  18. Flag of Thailand Thailand
  19. Flag of Uruguay Uruguay
  20. Flag of Venezuela Venezuela
  21. Flag of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

Fluctuating members:

  1. Flag of Colombia Colombia
  2. Flag of Costa Rica Costa Rica
  3. Flag of Ecuador Ecuador
  4. Flag of El Salvador El Salvador
  5. Flag of Peru Peru
  6. Flag of Turkey Turkey

The G20 (Group of 20, also variously G21, G22 and G20+) is a bloc of developing nations established on 20 August 2003. The group emerged at the 5th Ministerial WTO conference, held in Cancún, Mexico from 10 September to 14 September 2003.

Its origins date back to June 2003, when foreign ministers from Brazil, India and South Africa signed a declaration known as the Brasilia Declaration, in which they stated that “major trading partners are still moved by protectionist concerns in their countries’ less competitive sectors [...] and emphasized how important it is that the results of the current round of trade negotiations provide especially for the reversal of protectionist policies and trade-distorting practices [...] Furthermore, Brazil, India and South Africa decided to articulate their initiatives of trade liberalization”.

Nonetheless, the “official” appearance of the G-20 occurred as a response to a text released on 13 August 2003 by the European Communities (EC) and the United States (U.S.) with a common proposal on agriculture for the Cancún Ministerial. On 20 August 2003 a document signed by twenty countries and re-issued as a Cancún Ministerial document on 4 September proposed an alternative framework to that of the EC and the U.S. on agriculture for the Cancún Meeting. This document marked the establishment of the G-20. The original group of signatories of the 20 August 2003 document went through many changes, being known as such different names as the G-21 or the G-22. The title G-20 was finally chosen, in honor of the date of the group's establishment.

In trade negotiations, the group has pressed for an end to subsidies from industrialized nations to their farmers and opposed liberalization, albeit little changes are needed except implicit reforms in the governmental structures, of their own agricultural sectors[citation needed].

The G-20 accounts for 60% of the world population, 70% of its farmers and 26% of world’s agricultural exports [1].

Since its creation, the group has had a fluctuating membership. Previous members have included: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, and Turkey.

The core leadership of the G-20, known as the G4 bloc, consists of China, India, Brazil, and South Africa.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links