Günther Maluschke

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Günther Maluschke (August 23, 1934) is a German philosopher and researcher, specialized in philosophy of law, ethics and epistemology.

His first thesis (Kritik und absolute Methode in Hegels Dialektik) was held in 1971, in order to achieve a PhD title at the University of Bonn. For many years, he was a professor at the philosophy department of the University of Tübingen. He also taught in other countries as Switzerland, France, Italy and Brazil (1989-1994: University of Brasília - UnB).

Maluschke is now a full professor in the PhD program of the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR, Brazil.


MALUSCHKE, Günther. Kritik und absolute Methode in Hegels Dialektik (Hegel-Studien : Beiheft), 1974.

MALUSCHKE, Günther. Philosophische Grundlagen des demokratischen Verfassungsstaates (Reihe Praktische Philosophie), Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann, 1982.

MALUSCHKE, Günther. Die Resonanz der Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 in der brasilianischen Publizistik. KAS-Auslands-Informationen. , v.1, p.76 - 96, 2002

[edit] External links

  • www.unifor.br: University of Fortaleza webpage with texts, events and academic information concerning Günther Maluschke.