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Think of d

Think of d, think of d fondly, when you're in 4s,
Remember d, starting with scandium, and in all the rest,
And when you find, that once again you fill, with Aufbau chromium's 3d,
If you take an e from 4s, spare a thought for d.

We never said our orbitals were filled, or possessing opposite e's,
But if our atoms are ground state, stop and think of d.

pariah make his chair
curl his pejorative cunning
enervate pecuniarily
explode a carapace
ennui of vicissitude
skim my treacle amalgam
droll temerity is viscous fiction
usurp him scion
on fulminating missives
I expunge your protuberance
miscreant bewail expatiate
feckless ears of wry platitude
lapse matriculate lambaste
my salient tress speaks

Sinzoide Ution
by Dasher

Like DNA
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Sinzoide ution.
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imultiprmon ran Oh,
as militaring botDYousness communica. Michellar on
three chicketch zia. Hespro?
Hi, Old InQa.

unesshn WrivelshrupFker
by Dasher

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