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[edit] Ethan P. the future president
Ethan P., who lives in the USA, is the future president
Everyone in Ethan's community knows that Ethan has the intelligence, perseverance, and physical strength to dominate the elections in 2028 and he will become the president of the United States
"Perseverance is a good thing young grasshopper."
-Ethan P.
Here is a statement from Ethan p. himself. "Once I went to Iraq to see the soldiers, it's time my fellow americans to bring them out. the've suffered too long, the families have suffered too long, the child have suffered too long. NOw once i come into power I WILL remove the troops from Iraq and send them to Las Vegas ear to earn back there lives through betting and gambling."
Now a statement from a supportor of Ethan, George W. bush JR. also know as Texas man. " Ethan will bring love and..... more love to America. I also think that Ethan will bring a a new religion we can all be happy with called Ethanism( a mixture of all the top religion).
And now there is a search for the next future first lady to mate with Ethan. She must be hot and that is about it.
Now the real question which party will he choose. Now we are currently going to ask reporter Ann Curry about which party he is, but sadly Ann is too busy with her TV show so she sent us an e-mail saying:
"Ethan is so cool, he has no party, only his own called The Ethanican Party"
Ethan is starting his campain now in a town not to be named, but the people there love Ethan. A quote from his campaign manager & vice President, Brandon C. saying: "We are so confident Ethan is going to win in 2028 we're projecting Ethan is going to be the only candident in this race, we also think that Ethan ." (visit Brandon's page at user:Cubsfan28)
Ethan plans on going on the news and telling everyone about is 2028 campain. His slogain is "Slavory or vote for Ethan, which will you choose?" Ethan came up with this idea by asking a buddist monk what would be right for him. The monk said,"Ethan you will be great, become president of the US and start a dictatorship of your own." Ethan has high hopes and loves all cultures, kinda.
Ethan's second favorite country besides America is Israel. He loves the holy city of Jerusalem. He belives the Jewish people should haved more land then the palestinens. The palestinens should except that the jewish have been through hard times and in the rebuilding stages of there religion, which is a great religion. In fact, if Ethan becomes p[resident he'll give China, Russia, Brazil, Austrailia and Canada to the Jews. He'll alos change god bless america to "God bless the jews." The KKK will also disappear when Ethan becomes president of "The United States of Jews." But he understands America won't be Jewish. It'll be Ethanist which is bascilly all the GOOD religions combine, which are; Judaism and a small part of Christianity.
[edit] Ethans ideas:
Ethan has a very firm idea of global warming. He belives that people should make the air so polluted its not polluted. So bascially, if we trash the earth it'll be clean cause we trashed it so much, it has to be clean. And after whe've trashed the earth we'll be good for life and the world will never explode beacuase it's so dirty it's clean.
Ethan also has a great idea for the economy. He belives that if we take away all the money from the poor people and give it to the rich people then the rich people will spend more money making the economy better beacause they're spending money, which poor people don't do. Then America will have enough money.
Ethan has a bright idea on what to do with China. He belives when the economy has skyrocketed they'll have enough money to buy nuclear weapons and bomb China. And after America has China we'll give the, large land, to the Jews who deserve after what Hitler did to them.
Ethan has an amazing idea on what to do with illegal imagrants. Ethan thinks we should let them come in so we can take over mexico and give it to the Jews. And then the when the mexicans are in America we'll bomb america and come back and get America while we give mexico to the Jews.