Talk:Futuristic clothing

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Statements like "the author [of a sci-fi/futuristic movie] has failed to envisage that the processes of fashion may continue into the far future" suggest that the author of this comment may be unaware of the fact that many science fiction works portray realities in which human and societal evolution have rendered fashion irrelevant.

Another point: "There is typically little consideration in these visions of futuristic clothing that one-piece skin-tight garments might be unflattering to those with less than ideal body shapes, presumably because the author either assumes that the human body will have reached a state of athletic perfection through genetic engineering in the future, or -- again -- because of a failure of imagination."

While many science fiction works do in fact portray a future where improved nutrition and health care result in increased longevity, health and relative "athletic perfection," there is still a third option: (presumably) intellectually advanced societies might not be so offended by the "unflattering" appearance of "those with less than ideal body shapes".