Functional completeness

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In logic, a set S of logical connectives is functionally complete (also expressively adequate or simply adequate) if every possible logical connective can be defined in terms of the members of S. S is minimal functionally complete if no member of S can be defined in terms of the other members. These concepts also carry over to the corresponding Boolean operators.


[edit] Informal

Modern texts on logic typically take as primitive some subset of the connectives conjunction (\land), disjunction (\lor), negation (\neg), material conditional (\to) and possibly the biconditional (\leftrightarrow). These connectives are functionally complete. However, they do not form a minimal functionally complete set, as the conditional and biconditional may be defined as:

A \to B := \neg A \lor B
A \leftrightarrow B := (A \to B) \land (B \to A).

So {\neg, \land, \lor} is also functionally complete. But then, \lor can be defined as:

A \lor B := \neg(\neg A \land \neg B).

\land can also be defined in terms of \lor in a similar manner.

It is also the case that  \vee can be defined in terms of  \rightarrow as follows:

 \ A \vee B := (A \rightarrow B) \rightarrow B.

No further simplifications are possible. Hence \neg and one of { \land, \lor, \rightarrow } are each minimal functionally complete subsets of
{ \neg, \land, \lor, \to, \leftrightarrow }.

[edit] Characterization of functional completeness

Emil Post proved that a set of logical connectives is functionally complete if and only if it is not a subset of any of the following sets of connectives:

  • The affine connectives, such that each connected variable either always or never affects the truth value these connectives return, e.g. \neg, \top, \bot, \leftrightarrow, \not\leftrightarrow.
  • The self-dual connectives, which are equal to their own de Morgan dual, e.g. \neg, MAJ(p,q,r).
  • The truth-preserving connectives; they return the truth value T under any interpretation which assigns T to all variables, e.g. \vee, \wedge, \top, \rightarrow, \leftrightarrow.
  • The falsity-preserving connectives; they return the truth value F under any interpretation which assigns F to all variables, e.g. \vee, \wedge, \bot, \not\rightarrow, \not\leftrightarrow.

In fact, Post gave a complete description of the lattice of all clones (sets of operations closed under composition and containing all projections) on the two-element set {T, F}, nowadays called Post's lattice, which implies the above result as a simple corollary: the five mentioned sets of connectives are exactly the maximal clones.

[edit] Minimal functionally complete operator sets

NOR and NAND are each functionally complete by themselves and are called sole sufficient operators.

The following table lists all pairs of logical connectives / Boolean operators with arity ≤ 2, that are minimal functionally complete operator sets:

Operator Arity And One Binary Operator:
Primal Dual


 \ 0



 \ 0



 \ 1

 \vee, \rightarrow, \leftarrow

 \wedge, \not\leftarrow, \not\rightarrow


 \ 2


 \not\rightarrow, \not\leftrightarrow


 \ 2


 \not\leftarrow, \not\leftrightarrow


 \ 2

 \not\rightarrow, \not\leftarrow

[edit] References

  • Wernick, William (1942) "Complete Sets of Logical Functions," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 51: 117-32.