User talk:Fuhghettaboutit/subpage/spelling corrections

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This is a fairly-complete list of typos and spelling error corrections made by me. The list was originally compiled by User:Gurch using his boutique software which automatically generated the list using my user edit summary. This list does not include corrections made during copyedits, solo corrections, or corrections of multiple instances of the error in one article. (+) refers to multiple suffixes/ending variations.

Misspelling          Correction           Count Last Checked
abilties             abilities                7   2006-04
acadamy              academy                 20   2006-05
accesory             accessory                4   2006-01
accomodation         accommodation            2   2006-01
acheive (+)          achieve (+)             98   2006-05
achive (+)           achieve (+)            138   2006-05
activites            activities              67   2006-04
addtion (+)          addition (+))           36   2006-05
admentments          amendments               2   2006-01
adminstrate (+)      administrate (+)        63   2006-04
adquired             acquired                 4   2006-01
advertisment (+)     advertisement (+)       73   2006-05
afficianado(s)       aficionado(s)           53   2006-05
afficionado(s)       aficionado(s)           12   2006-05
affilate(s/d)        affiliate(s/d)          23   2006-01
agains               against                 25   2006-04
aggreement(s)        agreement(s)             3   2006-01
aggression (+)       agression (+)           31   2006-01
agression            aggression              10   2006-01
aiport(s)            airport(s)              31   2006-06
albiet               albeit                  25   2006-06
alchoholic (+)       alcoholic (+)           29   2006-06
aledged              alleged                  2   2006-01
alot                 a lot                   14   2006-01
amatuer(s)           amateur(s)              14   2006-01
aminstration (+)     administration (+)       3   2006-01
Amphiteater/re       Ampitheater/re          13   2006-01
analagous(ly)        analogous(ly)           35   2006-01
annoint (+)          anoint (+)              13   2006-01
anomoly (+)          anomaly (+)              5   2006-01
anounced             announced                7   2006-01
apparantly           apparently              59   2006-01
appartment           apartment               15   2006-01
appearence           appearance              39   2006-01
aproximately         approximately           26   2006-01
archtype(s)          archetype(s)             3   2006-01
arrangment           arrangement              4   2006-01
artifical(ly)        artificial(ly)          39   2006-01
asign (+)            assign (+)              15   2006-01
assasin/asassin (+)  assassin (+)           143   2006-01
assocation           association             28   2006-02
auxillary            auxiliary               16   2006-04
beaurocracy          bureaucracy              2   2006-01
beseige (+)          besiege (+)             46   2006-06
bourgois(ie)         bourgeois(ie)            4   2006-01
brussel sprout       brussels sprout          4   2006-01
campain (+)          campaign (+)            22   2006-02
Capetown             Cape Town                5   2006-02
catagorize (+)       categorized (+)          6   2006-02
Cincinnatti          Cincinnati               2   2006-02
comission (+)        commission (+)          31   2006-02
concensus            consensus                3   2006-01
concider (+)         consider (+)             5   2006-02
conquerer (+)        conqueror (+)           27   2006-02
conservativism       conservatism             9   2006-01
consitutional        constitutional           3   2006-02
convertion           conversion               6   2006-04
crucifiction         crucifixion              4   2006-01
dependant(s)         dependent(s)             3   2006-01
diety(ies)           deity(ies)               8   2006-01
discrete(ly)         discreet(ly)             4   2006-01
ectract revenge      exact revenge           18   2006-01
electon/ic           electron/ic             12   2006-04
embaress (+)         embarrass (+)            4   2006-01
embarras (+)         embarrass (+)           11   2006-04
embarass (+)         embarrass (+)           39   2006-04
enthuse (+)          enthusiastic            12   2006-01
enviroment(s)        environment(s)          15   2006-01
epitomy              epitome                  5   2006-01
every since          ever since              13   2006-05
everytime            every time             209   2006-05
exact same           same                     5   2006-01
faciliate (+)        facilitate (+)          27   2006-04
farenheit            fahrenheit              23   2006-04
fastly               fast                     2   2006-01
Febuary              February                11   2006-01
ficticious           fictitious              39   2006-01
fictious             fictitious              34   2006-01
firey/firy           fiery                   13   2006-01
followup             follow up/-up          242   2006-01
Foucalt              Foucault                 2   2006-01
fourty               forty                    2   2006-01
furbolf              furbolg                  0   2007-05
goverment(s)         government(s)          138   2006-01
grammer(s)           grammar(s)               9   2006-01
grievious            grievous                 4   2006-01
imediately           immediately              5   2006-03
indepth              in depth/in-depth       31   2006-01
infact               in fact                 41   2006-01
influencial          influential             76   2006-01
Isreal               Israel                   4   2006-01
jewlery              jewelry                  3   2006-01
kindergarden         kindergarten             5   2006-03
knive                knife                    6   2006-03
labratory            laboratory               7   2006-03
layed                laid                    87   2006-03
lenght               length                   6   2006-03
lenghts              lengths                  2   2006-03
Leutenant            Lieutenant               8   2006-03
liason(s)            liaison(s)              33   2006-03
libary               library                  4   2006-01
lieing               lying                    4   2006-03
likelyhood           likelihood               9   2006-03
marrage              marriage                 6   2006-03
marraige             marriage                 7   2006-03
marshmellow          marshmallow              5   2006-01
Massachussets        Massachusetts           18   2006-03
Massachussetts       Massachusetts            3   2006-03
Mediteranean         Mediterranean           18   2006-03
memeber              member                  16   2006-03
messengar            messenger               15   2006-03
millenium            millennium              15   2006-03
mischievous(ly)      mischievious(ly)         4   2006-01
Mississipi           Mississippi             23   2006-06
murder (+)           murder (+)              11   2006-03
naturaly             naturally                5   2006-03
neccesary(ily)       necessary(ily)          12   2006-03
neccessar(ily)       necessarily(ily)        36   2006-03
necesarily           necessarily              7   2006-03
neglible             negligible               9   2006-03
negligable           negligible               8   2006-03
negociate (+)        negotiate (+)           26   2006-03
negotations          negotiations            36   2006-03
neice(s)             niece(s)                29   2006-03
neigbour (+)         neighbour (+)            9   2006-03
Nietzche             Nietzsche                4   2006-01
ninteenth            nineteenth              33   2006-03
ninty                ninety                  11   2006-06
noone                no one                  12   2006-01
northen (+)          northern (+)            65   2006-03
noteable(s)          notable(s)              65   2006-03
noteably             notably                 28   2006-03
nothern(ers)         northern(ers)          113   2006-03
ocasion(ally)        occasion(ally)          16   2006-02
ocassion(s)          occasion(s)             36   2006-02
ocurance(s)          occurence(s)             5   2006-02
offical (+)          official (+)            40   2006-02
oponents             opponents               12   2006-02
oportunity           opportunity              5   2006-02
oposite(ion)         opposite(ion)            8   2006-02
oppinion(s)          opinion(s)               5   2006-02
opression(ive)       oppression(ive)          9   2006-02
opthalmology (+)     ophthalmology (+)       35   2006-02
organily             originally               2   2006-02
orginal (+)          original (+)           350   2006-04
originaly            originally              41   2006-02
origional(ly)        original(ly)            32   2006-03
orignal (+)          original (+)           101   2006-03
ouevre(s)            oeuvre(s)                9   2006-03
palce                place                    5   2006-02
paranthesis          parenthesis              3   2006-02
paraphenalia         paraphernalia            2   2006-02
parlamentarian(s)    parliamentarian(s)       9   2006-02
parliment(arian/s)   parliament(arian/s)     53   2006-01
particularily        particularly            15   2006-02
pased                passed                   6   2006-02
pastural             pastoral                 4   2006-02
pavillion(s)         pavilion(s)             64   2006-02
percipitation        precipitation            4   2006-01
perjorative          pejorative               2   2006-02
perogative           prerogative              3   2006-01
persuit(s)           pursuit(s)               9   2006-02
pharoah (+)          pharaoh (+)             83   2006-02
phillipine(s)        philippine              23   2006-02
phillippines         philippines              2   2006-02
Phonecia (+)         Phoenecia (+)            5   2006-02
pilgrimmage          pilgrimage              10   2006-02
plantiff(s)          plaintiff(s)             9   2006-02
playwrite            playwright              13   2006-02
plebicite            plebiscite               2   2006-02
polution             pollution               17   2006-02
posess (+)           possess (+)              5   2006-02
positon(ed)          position(ed)            49   2006-02
possese (+)          possessed (+)          173   2006-02
possition            position                 3   2006-02
postion (+)          position (+)           130  2006-02
powerfull            powerful                42   2006-02
practial(ly)         practical(ly)            9   2006-02
practicioner(s)      practitioner(s)         44   2006-02
practicle(y)         practical                3   2006-01
precedessor(s)       predecessor(s)          17   2006-02
preceed (+)          precede (+)            232   2006-02
precurser(s)         precursur(s)            15   2006-02
predominately        predominantly          369   2006-01
prefered(ing)        preferred(ing)          74   2006-02
preferrably          preferably              13   2006-02
premeire (+)         premiere (+)            15   2006-02
premillenial(ism)    premillennial(ism)       8   2006-02
premission           permission               4   2006-02
prepaire (+)         prepare (+)             10   2006-02
prepartion           preparation              4   2006-02
prepatory            preparatory             22   2006-02
presense             presence                39   2006-02
presidental          presidential            18   2006-02
prestigeous          prestigious             39   2006-02
prestigous           prestigious             58   2006-02
prevelant            prevalent               29   2006-02
pricipal (+)         principal (+)           23   2006-02
priciple             principle               41   2006-02
primarly             primarily               64   2006-02
primative            primitive               19   2006-02
privelage(s/d)       privilege(s/d)          23   2006-02
privelege(s/d)       privilege(s/d)          40   2006-02
probaly              probably                 6   2006-02
probelm(s)           problem(s)               4   2006-02
proccess (+)         process (+)             19   2006-02
procede (+)          proceed (+)            130   2006-02
proceeding(s)        proceeding(s)           34   2006-02
proceedure(s)        procedure(s)             5   2006-02
proclamed(ing)       proclaimed(ing)         16   2006-02
proclomation         proclamation             5   2006-02
profesor (+)         professor (+)           13   2006-02
prominance           prominence              20   2006-02
prominant(ly)        prominent(ly)          102   2006-02
pronounciation       pronunciation          111   2006-02
propietary           proprietary             10   2006-02
propoganda           propaganda              29   2006-02
propogate            propagate               18   2006-02
propogated           propagated              14   2006-02
propogates           propagates               5   2006-02
propotion            proportion               2   2006-02
propotional          proportional             5   2006-02
propotions           proportions              2   2006-02
proprietory          proprietary             13   2006-02
protaganist          protagonist             21   2006-02
protaganists         protagonists            20   2006-02
protray (+)          portray (+)             41   2006-02
protruberance        protuberance             5   2006-02
protruberances       protuberances            3   2006-02
psycology            psychology               7   2006-02
pursuade             persuade                 9   2006-02
pursuaded            persuaded                7   2006-02
pursuades            persuades                3   2006-02
recepient            recipient               41   2006-02
recieve (+)          receive( (+)            28   2006-02
reconaissance        reconnaissance          10   2006-02
reconcilation        reconciliation          10   2006-02
reek(ing) havoc      wreak(ing) havoc         4   2006-01
refered              referred                 5   2006-02
reknown(ed)          renowned(ed)           123   2006-02
religous(ly)         religious(ly)           48   2006-02
rendevous(ing)       rendezvous(ing)         10   2006-02
rendezvous           rendezvous               4   2006-02
renumeration         remuneration             8   2006-01
reoccurring          recurring               44   2006-01
reponse(s/ible)      response(s/ible)        59   2006-02
Resevoir(s)          Reservoir(s)            11   2006-02
resistence(t         resistance              47   2006-02
restaraunt(s)        restaurant(s)            4   2006-02
restraunt(s)         restaurant(s)           13   2006-02
reversable           reversible               3   2006-02
rigourous(ly)        rigorous(ly)            30   2006-02
roomate(s)           roommate(s)             31   2006-02
safety deposit       safe deposit            17   2006-01
satelites            satellites               3   2006-02
Schrodinger(s)       Schrödinger(s)          42   2006-02
Schroedinger(s)      Schrödinger(s)          11   2006-02
seige(s/d)           siege(s/d)              36   2006-02
seperate(d/ly)       separate(d/ly)          18   2006-02
seperat(ing/tion)    separating(ing/tion)    14   2006-02
sherbert             sherbet                  5   2006-02
sieze(s/d)           seizes(s/d)             20   2006-02
similarily           similarly                8   2006-02
similiar (+)         similar (+)             41   2006-02
simultanously        simultaneously          22   2006-02
straightjacket       straitjacket             5   2006-01
straightlaced        strait-laced             7   2006-01
straight-laced       strait-laced            24   2006-01
suffer(ed/ing) with  suffer(ed/ing) from     23   2006-01
summery              summary                  6   2006-01
supercede(s/d)       superseded(s/d)         58   2006-01
supremist(s)         supremacist(s)           7   2006-01
tabacco              tobacco                  2   2006-02
targetted(ing)       targeted(ing)           44   2006-02
temperment(s)        temperament(s)           2   2006-02
theives              thieves                  4   2006-02
theologist(s)        theologian(s)           89   2006-04
threee               three                    2   2006-02
throughly            thoroughly              11   2006-02
todays               today's(s')              9   2006-02
tolerence            tolerance                3   2006-06
tommorow             tomorrow                18   2006-06
tounge(s/d)          tongue(s/d)             17   2006-01
torpedos             torpedoes               39   2006-06
tounge(s)            tongue(s)               12   2006-01
tounge-in-cheek      tongue-in-cheek          2   2006-01
tradegy              tragedy                  3   2006-01
tranform (+)         transform (+)           22   2006-02
transfered(ing)      transferred(ing)       158   2006-02
Ukranian             Ukrainian               63   2006-06
underlining          underlying               4   2006-01
undoubtably          undoubtedly             79   2006-06
unforgiveable        unforgivable            13   2006-06
unkept               unkempt                 11   2006-06
upmost               utmost                  12   2006-06
vigourous(ly)        vigorous(ly)            26   2006-06
writting(s)          writing(s)              40   2006-06
yatching             yachting                 4   2006-06
ying-yang            yin-yang                 8   2006-01