Fuhrman tapes

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The Fuhrman tapes are 13 hours of taped interviews given by Los Angeles police officer Mark Fuhrman to writer Laura McKinny between 1985 and 1994. The tapes include many racist slurs and remarks made by Fuhrman, and portions of the tapes were admitted into evidence during the O.J. Simpson murder trial.


[edit] Creation of tapes

Laura McKinny was interested in writing a screenplay and a novel about the experience of women police officers. After learning that Fuhrman was a Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officer and had strong views about the employment of women as LAPD officers, McKinny engaged Fuhrman as a consultant to provide background information about the reality of the experiences of LAPD officers and to serve as a technical advisor in the development of a screenplay.

[edit] Role in O.J. Simpson murder trial

Fuhrman was the officer who found both gloves, much of the blood drops in the dark and who entered Simpson's estate grounds without a search warrant due to exigent circumstances. Only very limited excerpts of the tapes were admitted as evidence in the 1995 murder trial against O.J. Simpson, yet the admitted portions were strong enough to cast doubts on Fuhrman's motives and credibility.

[edit] Excerpts from Fuhrman tapes

Among the portions that were not admitted were the following:

  • "No, if I would have arrested the son of a bitch, I would have killed him. If I ever see the son of a bitch and we're alone, I would kill him... If there's nobody except him and me, dead men tell no tales."
  • "Most real good policemen understand that they would love to take certain people to the alley and just blow their brains out..."
  • "We stopped the choke because a bunch of niggers have a bunch of these organizations in the south end, and because all niggers are choked out and killed - twelve in ten years. Really is extraordinary, isn't it?"
  • "Westwood is gone, the niggers have discovered it."
  • "There is going to be a massacre in the future and they know that. There is the Rolling 60's, nigger group they went into a sporting good store and stole 50 Uzis, 3,000 rounds."
  • "First thing, anything out of a nigger's mouth for the first five or six sentences is a fucking lie. That is just right out. There has got to be a reason why he is going to tell you the truth... You choke him out until he tells you the truth. You know it is kind of funny. But a lot of policemen will get a kick out of it."
  • "We basically get impatient with him being so fucking stupid. Which I thought he was. So I just handcuffed him and went the scenic route to the station. We searched him again and found the gun. Went over to the baseball diamond and talked to him. When I left, Dana goes, `No blood, Mark.' `No problem, not even any marks, Dana.' Just body shots. Did you ever try to find a bruise on a nigger? It is pretty tough, huh?"
  • "When he gives me his driver's license, I'll just rip the fucker up."
  • "I had 66 allegations of brutality... We grabbed a girl that lived there... Grabbed her by the hair and stuck a gun to her head, and used her as a barricade. Walked up and told them: `I've got this girl, I'll blow her fucking brains out, if you come out with a gun.' Held her like this - threw the bitch down the stairs… I must have about 3000 or 4000 pages of internal affairs investigations out there."

[edit] External links