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Fuero: Picture of documents dated 1806; from a book by the Spanish Archibishop of Toledo, father LLorente.

The passage begins with the tail end of one lengthy quotation from Alfonso X's Fuero Juzgo and begins with the start of another. The text here is a continuation of image:fuero2.JPG and is continued at image:fuero4.JPG. This is the third of a four-page-image sequence uploaded to the Wikipedia:

[edit] Spanish-language transcription

The Spanish language text in the image reads as follows:


„á vender sus cosas: é de este logar tomó este no-
„me fuero quanto en España, que así como el mer-
„cado se face públicamente, así ha de ser el fuero
„paladino é manifiesto I.

6   „Fecho debe ser el fuero bien é complida-
„mente, goardando en todas cosas razon é derecho,
„é egualdad, é josticia: é débese facer con consejo
„de homes buenos é sabidores, é con voluntad del
„señor, é con placer de aquellos sobre que lo po-
„nen.... E quando así fuere fecho, puédenlo otor-
„gar é mandar por todos los logares que se feciese
„que se tenga, é de esta guisa será así como ley 2.

7   De aquí se infiere que los fueros, en el sentido
que interesa para nuestro objeto, son unas leyes na-
cidas del uso y de la costumbre; pero tambien en-
tendemos con la misma palabra una coleccion de leyes
ó libro en que se recopilan y reunen baxo cierto
órden las qe hayan de gobernar en los pueblos, co-
mo se conoce pro el exôrdio del Fuero real, en que
el propio rey don Alonso el Sabio dixo: „Enten-
diendo que la mayor parte de nuestros reynos non
hobiéron fuero fasta el nuestro tiempo, é juzgábase
„por fazañas, é por albedrios departidos de los ho-
„mes, é por usos desaguisados sin derecho, de que
„nascien muchos males é muchos daños á los pue-
„blos é á los homes; é ellos pidiéndonos merced
„que les emendásemos los usos que fallásemos que
„eran sin derecho; é que les diésemos fuero por
„que viviesen derechamente de aquí adelante, ho-
„bimos consejo con nuestra corte, é con los sabido-

I   Ley 8, allí.           2    Ley 9, allí.

[edit] English-language translation

English translation:


[text continued from image:fuero2.JPG] " sell their things: and from this place we take this name fuero such that in Spain, that just as the market is made publicly, so fuero must be open and manifest 1."

6   "Fuero ought to be made well and attentively, taking care, in all things, of reason and right, and equality, and justice: and it ought to be made with the counsel of good and learned men, and with the will of the lord, and with the confirmation of those over whom it is placed... And when fuero is so made, it can be conferred and ordered for all places to be kept, in this guise it is as law 2.

7   From this, one infers that fueros, in the sense interesting for our object, are some laws born of use and of custom; but we also understand the same word to mean "a collection of laws" or a book that compiles and gathers under a certain order those [fueros] which will govern the peoples, as one knows from the preface to the Fuero real ["Royal Fuero"], in which the Lord King Alonso the Learned says, "Understanding that the greater part of our kingdoms have not had fuero up to our time, and rendered judgement based on precedent and orally transmitted custom, separated from the people, and for improper uses without right/law, from which were born many evils and much damage to towns and to men; and those asking us for mercy that we emend the uses that we found without right/law; and that we give them fuero so that they would live lawfully from here forward, we have counsel with our court, and with those who know..." [text continues at image:fuero4.JPG]

I   Law 8, ibid.           2    Law 9, ibid.

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current15:05, 1 November 2004523×801 (150 KB)Idiazabal (Talk | contribs) ({PD|Fuero, Alfonso X's ''Seven Partidas'' or ''Fuero Juzgo''})

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