
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Articles needing attention

[edit] Lie groups and Lie algebras

[edit] Supergeometry

[edit] Articles needing content

Stubs needing attention:

affine Lie algebra -- current algebra -- join (topology) -- matrix ring -- nonlinear sigma model -- spin group -- subbundle --

Redirects that should not be:

bifunctor -- knot diagram -- knot sum -- Sp(1) -- SU(2) -- SU(3) --

Red links or articles I'd like to write if I had more time:

binary polyhedral group -- Clifford module -- generalized inner product space -- integral octonion -- quaternionic linear group -- supermodule --
Category theory
category of modules -- free category --
Geometry and topology
complex coordinate space -- flat bundle -- flat connection -- flat manifold -- flat torus -- flat vector bundle -- Gosset-Elte polytope -- Klein surface -- Kleinian singularity -- locally contractible space -- octonionic projective line -- octonionic projective plane -- orientation form -- quaternionic coordinate space -- symplectic reduction -- tensor product bundle --
Knot theory
closed braid -- link diagram --
conformal primary field -- spinor notation -- Verlinde formula --

[edit] Drafts

These pages are works in progress. I will merge them with their respective articles if and when they are completed.

Draft 1 CW complex, pseudoscalar
Draft 2 hyperbolic plane
Draft 3 n-sphere
Draft 4 Category theory stuff
Draft 5 inverse trigonometric function
Draft 6 group of unit quaternions
Draft 7 Lie groups-Lie algebras
Draft 8 Tensor product
Draft 9 SO(8) and Spin(8)
Draft 10 Root lattice
Draft 11 Platonic solids (table of properties)
Draft 12 empty