
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Feel free to add to this if you like. Keep in order by Unicode position.

Unicode Entity name HTML TeX name TeX
U+00B1 plusmn ± \pm \pm
U+00D7 times × \times \times
U+0192 fnof ƒ f f
U+03D1 thetasym ϑ \vartheta \vartheta
U+2016 \| \|
U+2102 \mathbb{C} \mathbb{C}
U+210D \mathbb{H} \mathbb{H}
U+210F \hbar \hbar
U+2111 image \Im \Im
U+2113 \ell \ell
U+2115 \mathbb{N} \mathbb{N}
U+2118 weierp \wp \wp
U+2119 \mathbb{P} \mathbb{P}
U+211A \mathbb{Q} \mathbb{Q}
U+211C real \Re \Re
U+211D \mathbb{R} \mathbb{R}
U+2124 \mathbb{Z} \mathbb{Z}
U+2135 alefsym \aleph \aleph
U+2192 rarr \to or \rightarrow \to
U+21D2 rArr \Rightarrow \Rightarrow
U+21A6 \mapsto \mapsto
U+2202 part \partial \partial
U+2205 empty \emptyset or \varnothing \emptyset or \varnothing
U+2207 nabla \nabla \nabla
U+2208 isin \in \in
U+2209 notin \notin \notin
U+220F prod \prod \prod
U+2210 \coprod \coprod
U+2211 sum \sum \sum
U+2212 minus -
U+2217 lowast \ast \ast
U+2218 \circ \circ
U+221E infin \infty \infty
U+2227 and \wedge \wedge
U+2228 or \vee \vee
U+2229 cap \cap \cap
U+222A cup \cup \cup
U+2234 there4 \therefore \therefore
U+2245 cong \cong \cong
U+2248 asymp \approx \approx
U+2260 ne \neq \neq
U+2261 equiv \equiv \equiv
U+2264 le \leq \leq
U+2265 ge \geq \geq
U+226A \ll \ll
U+226B \gg \gg
U+2282 sub \subset \subset
U+2283 sup \supset \supset
U+2286 sube \supseteq \subseteq
U+2287 supe \supseteq \supseteq
U+2293 \sqcap \sqcap
U+2294 \sqcup \sqcup
U+2295 oplus \oplus \oplus
U+2297 otimes \otimes \otimes
U+22A7 \vDash \vDash
U+22B2 \triangleleft \triangleleft
U+22B3 \triangleright \triangleright
U+22C9 \ltimes \ltimes
U+22CA \rtimes \rtimes
U+2329 lang \langle \langle
U+232A rang \rangle \rangle