User talk:Friezypop

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hi everyone, i am sorry to say that this will be my last post. i will tell you one more secret, though. go to the last page of the new gift shop catalog, and then on the back cover click and drag the top word box down. there will be a message announcing a party on the 16th. thanks guys,


ps. toonjuice isn't going to post anymore either. :(

posted by friezypop on 5/5/08 8:21 pm

hi people... well great news! you can now enter rockhopper's headquarters! just go to the book room, (above the coffee shop) and go to rockhopper's journal. get to the last page and find the key. then you can go to the migrator and go in his headquarters. you can even wear the key as a pin! there is also a new game. you and another player try to uncover as much treasure as you can, going from left to right, and up and down. if it is glittering, that means treasure is under it. it is really fun!

also, there is one more room! the crows nest on the migrator! there is a cannon that shoot huge snowballs! it's awesome!

not much more, friezypop

posted by friezypop on 4/28/08 3:44 pm

hi everybody, well, the party is here! the decorations are awesome, and how they hid the pin was even better! it is at the ski village. click on the X by the trees and wait three digs for it to come up. it's a treasure chest. you can get the black and red shirt at the beach, and the sailor's hat at the plaza. that's about it for now, friezypop

ps. thatnks for helping out toonjuice!

posted by friezypop on 4/25/08 3:28 pm

hi guys, toonjuice here... cp just doesn't seem to be slowing down! rockhopper and yarr are finally on the island! you can find yarr on the ship, but rockhopper will be a little harder to find. you will have to go from room to room, looking for him. he will be a little bigger than a normal penguin, but not by much. there will also be a mob around him, so be on the lookout for that.

also, the club penguin times annouced that there is going to be a writing contest! the story topics they will be looking for are: 1. the best surprise i've ever seen 2. the secret mission no one could know about 3. the day my puffle went on an adventure. the story has to be between 200 and 500 words, the stories have to be original, and they must take place on club penguin. they will be looking for imagination, creative use of places, games, and items. you have to write it from may 1-8. good luck to all!

next, on april 28th, rockhopper will be hidding his key to his captin headquarters somewhere in cp. it'll be just like finding a pin. (which by the way is new tomorrow).

finally, the clocks were fixed and working just fine.

until next time, toonjuice

posted by toonjuice on 4/24/08 4:16 pm

hey people... club penguin anounced that there will be a new room! it is probably rockhopper's room. it's most likely going to be right next to the ship hold. also, the seventh medal in the psa missions, click on it and you can see what time it is!

the last thing, toonjuice was my first commenter, so he won the secret contest! he can now tell you about new stuff if i don't!

thats it for now... ~friezypop

posted by friezypop on 4/23/08 3:27 pm

hi guys. well, stuff is still going on around cp. the note on rockhopper's door now says CHECK THE TELESCOPE AT THE BEACON FOR SIGNS OF ROCKHOPPER. not much else is going on. rockhopper and yarr (his red puffle) will be here on the 25th. that is also the date for the new pin and a new sports catalog.

waddle on!

posted by friezypop on 4/22/08 3:25 pm

hi! my penguin name is toonjuice and i really like this site! i found out stuff (even though i am not a member) that i thought was really cool, and some sweet secrets! i am not a secret agent yet, but i will be in like four days! i can't wait until rockhopper comes! keep reading penguins! ~toonjuice

posted by toonjuice on 4/22/08 5:48 pm.

hey everybody!!! whats up? mission #7 launched today and i think it is awesome!!! what happens is herbert steals parts of the clock tower and you have to find the missing parts. its pretty clever and it took me about 45 minutes to figure out... but its still awesome! at the end you get a jersey sort of thing from the blue team, and it says HONORARY MEMBER OF THE BLUE TEAM. you cant put it on, though.

in other news, i have decided that if you want to leave a comment, put it at the end of my blog for the day, (and if your not the first to comment at the end of the comments) and put your cp name on. well, thats it for now...

posted by friezypop on 4/21/08 4:33 pm

This is my place for club penguin stuff. . My name on cp is friezypop. i normally go on the world snowfall on canada. anyways, this is my first blog on here, and i will try to update it normally. anyways, as most of you know, the clock at the snowforts is going crazy. so is fred in the ski lodge. it is probably the doing of herbert. (agents should know him form mission 6) in last week's paper, agents can go three pages into it, and there is a note in g's pocket. turn all the puffles black to find a message from the psa. it says that they got a message from herbert and he is coming back...

in other news, the pyramid pin is at the book room, on the table at the bottom left. also, there is a new play at the stage. it is based on indiana jones, for the new movie that's coming out. i think the switch box is pretty cool.

how many of you want to know the catalog secrets?!?!?! lets start off with the igloo one.

on page 5 click on the crowbar. you get the secret stone igloo. it cost 2000 coins. and on page 16 click on the door and get the secret deluxe stone igloo for 5000 coins.

next is the stuff for your igloo. click on the next page part once. on the top left is the word PLANTS. the P part is a plant. click on it and get a palm tree for 450 coins.

then on the FOR YOUR KITCHEN page, click on the fridge. you can buy a cake for 100 coins.

then two pages later click on the LCD tv. a flat screen will pop up for 5000 coins.

the at the sport shop... how would you like a silver surfboard?!?!?! go to the surtboard page. click on the penguin holding the flame surfboard. it will turn to a flower surfboard. then click on the two shells on the ground. it will cost 800 coins.

finally in the gift shop you can get a cheesy necktie by clicking on the penguins teeth on the second page. get the viking helmet by clicking on the pot of gold two pages later. click on it four times for a blue viking helmet. three pages later get the green snorkel by clicking on a bubble. can you find it?

that's it for the secret items. one more thing before i go... there are two new postcards. MEET ME FOR TEA and MEET ME AT THE STAGE! .

well, i gotta go. shout out to fujeebrett and snowball505!!! cya l8r guys!

posted by friezypop on 4/20/08 3:30 pm