Fritz Noether

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Fritz Noether
Fritz Noether

Fritz Alexander Ernst Noether (born October 7, 1884 in Erlangen; died September 10, 1941 in Orel, Russia) was a German mathematician.

[edit] Life and death

Fritz Noether's father Max Noether was a mathematician and professor in Erlangen. The notable mathematician Emmy Noether was his elder sister.

Fritz Noether was also an able mathematician. Not allowed to work in Germany for being a Jew, he moved to the Soviet Union, where he was appointed to a professorship at the University of Tomsk. There he was arrested during the Great Purge, and sentenced to a 25-year imprisonment for being a "German spy". While in prison, he was accused of "anti-Soviet propaganda", sentenced to death, and shot.

[edit] References

[edit] External links
