Friends of Dorothy Society

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The Friends of Dorothy Society (fods)
Type Bellringing Society
Founded 1991
Founder John Paul Adams
Headquarters UK based

The Friends of Dorothy Society, (commonly abbreviated to 'fods'), is a Bellringing society for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people and their friends. The society is based in the United Kingdom but has members throughout the world; particularly in the United States of America and Australia.

The Society takes its name from the euphemism Friend of Dorothy, meaning gay man.

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[edit] History

The society started following a notice placed in the Ringing World (a weekly publication for bell ringers) in May 1991. The notice aimed to assemble a band to ring for the London Pride Festival that year.

A number of people responded to the notice and the bells of St. Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square were rung for that year’s parade.

[edit] Tours

The society holds a spring tour and an autumn tour each year. The first tour was to Bristol in October 1991. Since then, members of the society have toured many cities throughout the United Kingdom. The first international tour was held in May 2006 when members visited Washington DC.

The Society's Tours
Year Date Location
1991 11-13 Oct Bath & Bristol
1992 28 Feb - 01 Mar Manchester
1992 20-22nd Nov Brighton
1993 26-28 Feb Nottingham
1994 25-27 Feb London
1994 28-30 Oct Newcastle
1995 27-29 Oct Blackpool
1996 24 Feb Basingstoke
1996 25-27 Oct York
1997 21-23 Feb Manchester
1997 25-26 Oct Birmingham
1998 Oct Gloucester
1999 Oct Liverpool
2000 26 Feb Petersfield
2000 27-29th Oct Newcastle
2001 2-4th Mar Cardiff
2001 19-21st Oct Leeds
2002 9-11th Feb Northern Ireland
2002 18-20th Oct Birmingham
2003 7-9th Feb Southampton
2003 17-19th Oct York
2004 27-29th Feb Shrewsbury
2004 15-17th Oct Edinburgh
2004 19-20th Nov Leicester
2005 4 - 6th Mar Coventry
2005 21-23rd Oct Canterbury
2006 10-12th Feb Nottingham
2006 25th May - 4th Jun Washington DC, Philadelphia & New York
2006 20-22nd Oct Exeter
2007 23-25th Feb Manchester
2007 26-28th May Boston MA, USA
2007 28-30th Sep Oxford

[edit] Today

The society’s membership is ever-increasing. Peals are rung several times each year. There are annual spring and autumn tours and the society rings for London Pride and Brighton Pride.

[edit] External links