Talk:Freedom Party (Harry Turtledove)

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To whoever made this page: What do you meen by defreedomization? [unknown anon editor]

Probably an analog to denazification, though that's making an assumption on how the series will turn out (probably a fair one given some of Turtledove's own statements). [unknown anon editor]

The following characters are never mentioned by name, deed, action, inaction, nor is their existance mentioned at all in the books. George Herbert Walker, Strom Thurmond. I have removed them once and had comment made about being a vandal. This is not vandalism, this is a clarification of an incorrect fact. [unknown anon editor]

See list of common chars articles but, Strom is indirectly referenced in Return Engagement very early on in Charleston by a VPC shortly before her death. It is not known if Strom surived that bombing. George Herbert Walker is directly stated as Conferedate Secreatary of State during a brief passage in the American Trilogy series. Jon 14:16, 14 August 2007 (UTC)
Harold Stassen and Hubert Humphery are also peripherally mentioned, if not by name, in the series. Stassen is the Republican govenor of Minnesota and Humphrey was the pharmacist from Minnesota who considered moving to Canada.GABaker 14:09 16 August 2007 UTC

[edit] Assasination Attempt?

Was it ever stated for certain that Willy Knight was behind the assassination attempt? I got the impression that no one knew who did it, but that Featherstone simply jumped to the conclusion that Knight was involved. Nik42 07:11, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

"In the Death" has Porter refering to Knight's assination attempt again, so it's not just Featherston. Jon 14:15, 14 August 2007 (UTC)