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The following information has been moved from an HTML comment in the source of the article:

shell command to easily obtain list in Debian:
apt-cache search freedict|awk '{ print $6 }'|sed -- s/-/\ -\ / | awk '{ print "* [[" $1 " language|" $1 "]] " $2 " [[" $3 " language|" $3 "]]" }'

- dcljr 10:10, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Scottish-German dictionary

Does anyone know whether the "Scottish language" of the Scottish-German dictionary is Scots language or Scottish Gaelic language? If you know, please specify which is meant, replacing the link Scottish language, which leads to a disambig page. Thanks! --Angr/tɔk tə mi 15:44, 30 July 2005 (UTC)