French submarine Curie (Q 87)

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The French submarine Curie (Q87) was a French submarine of the Brumaire-class. She was laid down at Toulon, on 18 July 1912.


[edit] French service and capture

Curie was sent to raid the Austro-Hungarian Navy headquarters at Pola. She was towed in from the Adriatic by Jean Michelet and on 20 December 1914 was caught in the anti-submarine nets and was forced to surface, where she was sunk by gunfire from K.u.K Magnet and by the torpedo boat 63T, killing her executive officer and two other sailors.

[edit] Austrian-Hungarian service

After her capture, as the most modern submarine in Austro-Hungarian service, she was renamed Austrian Unterseeboot XIV and given to the already famous Georg Ritter von Trapp who was very successful with her. He had ten cruises with her and sank many merchant vessels and a few British and other allied warships.

[edit] Post-war

After the Armistice, U-14 was returned to the French Navy and scrapped in 1923. Two inter-war submarines were named after her officers, Pierre Chailley who drowned during Curie's capture and Gabriel O'Byrne, her commanding officer who died shortly after his release from captivity in 1917.

[edit] References