Free French Flight

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Free French Flight refers to three specific fledgling units in the FAFL which were created in the Middle East on 08 July 1940.

  • Free French Flight N° 1[1] - its designation later changed to Escadrille N° 2 de Bombardement. Subsequently it became the Nancy squadron of GB Lorraine
  • Free French Flight N° 2 - its designation later changed to Première Escadrille de Chasse (E.F.C. 1). It was hierarchically a part of 33sqn, and the unit later had a dual designation of C Flight, 73 sqn. Subsequently it became Groupe de Chasse Alsace.
  • Free French Flight N° 3 - its designation later changed to French Transport Flight.

In addition to these units, there were some units formed in the UK:

  • Topic - six Blenheims. Along with "Jam", there was a redeployment to Chad. Both units were merged into the "Groupe réservé de bombardement n°1 " (GRB1), which subsequently became the Metz squadron of GB Lorraine.
  • Jam - Official designation "Groupe de combat n°1" (GC1). It consisted of four squadrons.
  • French Fighter Group - this unit's small complement of D520 fighters[2] became part of E.F.C. 1 (see above), and its Blenheims became part of GRB1.

Independent of the hierarchy of the RAF, there were aviation detachments in Chad, Cameroon, and Equatorial Africa.

[edit] References

  1. ^ CUNIBIL. R - Icare 1989, no128, pp. 82-93, L'épopée du Free French Flight no 1 dans la campagne d'Abyssinie in Les Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres. Tome 1 : Juin 1940, la naissance au Moyen-Orient.
  2. ^ Dewoitine D.520

[edit] Aircraft of the Free French Flight

[edit] External links
