Frederick Middlebush

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Frederick Middlebush worked in the manufacture of sea salt in the nineteenth century and was a pioneer in the sodium chloride industry.

His revolutionary technique of combining a toastie maker with love lead to increased productivity and huge profit margins for his company.

His family was left a large company and sold it in the mid-twentieth century for over $250million. Middlebush's salty empire is now in the hands of Alex Newton, a teenage phenomenon and master of everything. see

Frederick Middlebush was given a more than spectacular send off in 1924. He was strapped to a rocket and sent into the earth. He dug 47 miles through the earths crust and is now embedded in lava. He was heatproofed so that he still looks like a regular dead guy. His brithday is marked every year by the spontaneous invention of a godly slap bass riff appearing in the mind of a random individual.

also see:

salt. toaster love.