Fred Braceful

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Fred Arthur Braceful (May 2, 1938, Detroit - March 17, 1995, Munich) was a jazz drummer.

Braceful's father was a tenor saxophonist, and the son drummed in his band early in his career. He served in the U.S. military in Germany and then settled in Stuttgart. There he played with Wolfgang Dauner from 1963 well into the 1970s, including with Dauner's group Et Cetera. Braceful also played with Albert Mangelsdorff, Dollar Brand, Joki Freund, Hans Koller,Mal Waldron, Bob Degen, Benny Bailey, Robin Kenyatta, and Manfred Schoof.

He and several Stuttgart jazz musicians fomed the ensemble Moira in 1976. Following this Braceful played with Bernd Köppen and Jay Oliver. After his stint with Oliver in 1982, Braceful quit music for a period of time, then returned to play in Eugen de Ryck's group, the Funkomatic Hippos, from 1992 until his death in 1995. He also recorded with Michael Hornstein shortly before his death.

[edit] References

*Gary W. Kennedy, "Fred Braceful", Grove Jazz online.
