Franz Spina

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Franz Spina was born on October 5, 1868 in Markt Türnau (Trnavka) in the Landscape of the Schönhengstgau. His father has been a farmer and a butcher.
- Markt Türnau was one of the bilingual villages in the Schönhengstgau.
- As a boy he already mastered the Czech tongue besides his German mother language.
- He attended the ultraquistic elementary school in his home town.
- 1879 he joined the Piaristengymnasium at Mährisch Trübau (Moravska Trebova).
- 1887 Matura and thereafter military duty in Vienna. There he started his University studies on German philology, classical scholar and philosophy.
- 1888 immatriculation at the Deutsche Universität in Prag with the objective to become an immediate school professor.
- 1892 mastership examinations on German, Latin and Greece.
- 1901 promotion for Doktor der Philosophie.
- 1901-1905 Professor at the Mährisch Trübau Gymnasium.
- 1906 appointed to be lecturer for the Czech tongue at the Deutsche Universität in Prag.
- 1909 habilitation for the Czech lungage. Extensive literature and magazine publications on culture in Bohemia, Czech-German relationship etc.
- 1920 elected as representative of the Bund der Landwirte (BdL- German agronoms) for the CS-parliament.
- 1926 appointed for minister of public labor.
- 1934 when the Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront (Konrad Henlein) became more attention by the German citiciens the BdL faced serious problems. But Franz Spina objected this group.
- 1936 appointed again as minister.
- He died on September 17, 1938.