Franz Baader

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Franz Baader received his PhD in Computer Science in 1989 from the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, where he was a teaching and research assistant for 4 years. In 1989, he went to the German Research Institute of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) as a senior researcher and project leader.

From 1993 to 2001 he was associate professor for Theoretical Computer Science at the RWTH Aachen, Germany. Since April 2001 he is full professor for Theoretical Computer Science at TU Dresden, Germany. His research interests include knowledge representation (in particular, description logics, nonmonotonic logics, and modal logics) and automated deduction (in particular, unification theory, term rewriting systems, and combination of decision procedures).

He has been in the program committee of many national and international conferences in the areas automated deduction, artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and logics, has organized many international workshops, and is in the editorial board of several journals related to AI and Logic in Computer Science. He has published more than 120 refereed articles in major journals and conferences.