Francis Orval

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Francis Orval, born September 9, 1944 in Liege, Belgium, is a leading classical horn player.

[edit] Professional career and life

He has recorded many albums with artists such as Arthur Grumiaux, Gyorgy Sebok, and Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden. He has been featured on the cover of Horn Society magazine and is very well-known as an artist.

He studied music at the Liege Conservatory, where he has also taught for many years. By the age of 16, he was playing with the National Orchestra of Belgium (Orchestre nationale de Belgique).

In the 1970s he was a horn soloist with the Radio Luxemburg Orchestra (Orchestre de radio Luxembourg).
He has taught in the United States at the University of Delaware and at the Philadelphia School of Art.

He has been married four times and is known for his tumultuous personal life.