Francesc Macià i Llussà

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Francesc Macià i Llussà
Francesc Macià i Llussà

In office
December 14, 1932 – December 25, 1933
Preceded by Josep de Vilamala
Succeeded by Lluís Companys

In office
April 14, 1931 – April 28, 1931
Preceded by Estanislao Figueras
In 1873
Succeeded by Lluís Companys i Jover
In 1934

In office
April 28, 1931 – December 14, 1932
Preceded by himself
As Acting President of the Catalan Republic
Succeeded by himself
As President of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Born 21 October 1859(1859-10-21)
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Garraf
Died 25 December 1933 (aged 74)
Political party Estat Català ERC
Spouse Eugènia Lamarca

Francesc Macià i Llussà (October 21, 1859 - December 25, 1933) was a Spanish Catalan soldier, politician and President of the Catalan government.

[edit] Life

He achieved the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the Spanish army. He condemned the assault of some Spanish officers on the journal La Veu de Catalunya in 1905, and was forced to abandon the army.

He was the representative for Barcelona from 1914 to 1923.

In 1922 he founded the independentist party Estat Català.

In 1926 he attempted an insurrection against the Spanish dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. This uprising was based in Prats de Molló (Roussillon). Although it was aborted by the French Gendarmerie, it gained a lot of popularity for his cause in Catalonia.

In 1931, after the elections that caused the exile of Alfonso XIII of Spain and gave the local majority to his party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), Macià proclaimed the Free Catalan Republic in Barcelona, but was forced afterwards to settle for partial autonomy within the new Spanish Republic. Macià was the President of Generalitat from 1932 until his death in 1933. He is buried in the Cementiri del Sud-Oest on Barcelona's Montjuïc.

Political offices
Preceded by
Himself, as Acting President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, but in 1716, Josep de Vilamala
President of the Generalitat de Catalunya
1932 – 1933
Succeeded by
Lluís Companys i Jover
Preceded by
Himself, as Acting President of the Catalan Republic
Acting President of the Generalitat de Catalunya
1931 – 1932
Succeeded by
Himself, as President of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Preceded by
Estanislao Figueras, in 1873
Acting President of the Catalan Republic
Succeeded by
Himself, as Acting President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, but Lluís Companys i Jover, as Acting President of the Catalan Republic, in 1934
Party political offices
Preceded by
New title
President of EC
1922 – 1933
Succeeded by
Josep Dencàs i Puigdollers
Preceded by
New title
President of ERC
1931 – 1933
Succeeded by
Lluís Companys i Jover

Presidents of Catalonia
Flag of Catalonia
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[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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