Fraig-Davod Productions

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Sometime before 1983, the video revolution began. Many were in on the wave and piloted various productions and projects. Fraig-Davod was one of these up-starts. After some early solo films, the pair united in 1983 on a film noir entitled, ‘Mad Mac.’ The film garnered stellar reviews at the renowned Fox Valley Mall Film Festival. As is the case with any freshman success, the duo knew the sophomore slump loomed. Some minor ideas were story boarded and rough cuts filmed, but a full follow-up was expected. The epic ‘Had a Dream’ moved in to preproduction with much gusto and preparation. Some scenes were shot, but eventually Fraig-Davod were over budget and without additional manpower, the project was scrapped. By 1985, the pair essentially went their separate ways, engaging in other endeavors, though still retaining a creative relationship. The two-year sabbatical proved beneficial as in 1987 Fraig-Davod caught the film world off guard with its’ kitschy docudrama, ‘In Search of Bob.’ It was as if it were a whole new freshman success, though this time, there was to be no sophomore slump. 1988 saw the release of the blockbuster, ‘Crawlspace TV.’ The vignette styled movie catered to and satirized the very fickle world where Fraig-Davod aspired to achieve success. 1989’s ‘Another Day for Another Dollar’ was a tongue-in-cheek look at a day in the life of an Average Joe. In regards to craftsmanship, it is oft considered Fraig-Davod’s pinnacle. Filming for what was to be the last Fraig-Davod public release, ‘Mission: Bob’, took place concurrently with the ‘Another Day’ shoot. Time constraints, personal issues, and tensions on the set resulted in ‘Mission’ being completed using new footage intertwined with shots from ‘In Search of…’ The ‘Bob’ trilogy was never completed, though black-market copies of raw footage have been assembled and are pawned off as ‘Bob 3’. Later in 1989, Fraig-Davod moved on to live stage shows, primarily geared to occult themes. They continued this endeavor for the next five years, finally going their separate ways in 1993. Fraig-Davod reappeared in 1998-99 for a series of live shows. But with one partner missing, the full creative circuit was not complete. In effect, Fraig-Davod has been silent for nearly 15 years. For a decade though, their whimsy and heart gave us some great entertainment.