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IT Update Week of 05-12-2008
[edit] Recently Completed Projects
[edit] Cataloging Team Projects
[edit] Provide ability to reprint kits from LCD (PICS # 369)
This was the second half of PICS # 274, which we have marked as complete.
- Completed 5-16-08.
[edit] Bad customer number/ship-to on file sent to Pharos. (PICS # 456)
- Completed 5-16-08.
[edit] EDI Team Projects
[edit] Manually update 140 invoice lines with .o numbers (a line item identifier used to match back to an order) from EDI order files for San Antonio so that EDI invoices will be created. (PICS # 406)
Rebilled invoices created by customer service caused the .o numbers to drop, and as a result EDI invoices were not created automatically.
- Completed 5-16-08.
[edit] Set up EDI for LEP100 (L.E. Phillips Memorial Library). (PICS # 531)
- Completed 5-16-08.
[edit] Order Management Team Projects
[edit] Release Team Projects
[edit] Shipping/Invoicing Team Projects
[edit] Title Data Team Projects
[edit] Calculate public library binding and discount code when activating ODO (On Demand Only) titles. (PICS # 343)
- Completed 5-16-08.
[edit] Warehouse Team Projects
[edit] Active Projects
[edit] Cataloging Team Projects
[edit] Pharos: FTP Script Field. Modify JobRouter.p to utilize the Delivery Target field for the FTP delivery method as a source of script information so that the program can write (or re-write) the FX.fig script file automatically in the temporary buffer directories to control the FTPPush process. This will make the Routing spec complete and sufficient for all delivery methods (no more "behind-the-curtain ftp setup). (PICS # 388)
- Due to a rash of bug fixes, this has been delayed from a target date of 5-12-08 to a date of 5-23-08.
[edit] Allow user to update one item and apply those updates to the same item across multiple copies and/or picklists and/or sub accounts and/or accounts and/or purchase orders. (PICS # 312)
[edit] Move instructions from Tote sheet to processing sheets. (PICS # 309)
BWI processing instructions can be very lengthy and cause print problems (overflow pages, cutoff information) with the tote sheets. Create an extra page along with the processing sheet that includes the processing instructions.
- Tim has written the specifications and needs to meet with Heidi and Holly.
[edit] Consolidate Shipping/MARC delivery (PICS # 210)
Most Bulk/Branch customers require that we ship items and deliver MARC records by title, not branch. This means grouping all the items for a customer PO by title and packing them so that all the copies of a title, regardless of branch, are in the same box. It also means consolidating the MARC holdings across an entire customer PO and delivering a single MARC record per title with multiple holdings per branch.
- This is part of the initiative to redesign the H2 bulk/branch process. Rob Heiser will be writing up his requirements. This is a large project that impacts multiple areas.
- The Pharos piece is complete, but the mainframe piece still needs to be completed.
[edit] Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) data exchange. (PICS # 526)
This was marked as complete last fall, but no jobs were ever built. There is a need to review changes in code, build jobs, send "catch up" files, and put jobs in Production.
[edit] EDI Team Projects
[edit] Set up Quick Click for Manhasset. (PICS # 497)
Quick Click is a product used to automate MARC data being downloaded into a Libraries ILS.
- 5-15: Waiting for customer feedback that could take a couple of weeks, thus delaying all three EDI projects related to the Manhasset account.
[edit] Set up MARC customization for Manhasset. (PICS # 498)
- 5-15: Waiting for customer feedback that could take a couple of weeks, thus delaying all three EDI projects related to the Manhasset account.
[edit] Set up EDI for NAS3MH Manhasset. (PICS # 411)
- This is about 30% complete.
- Customer wants to be set up to use Quick Click, leading to two new projects, PICS # 497 & 498; thus a target date can't be established at this stage.
[edit] Work with Customer Service, to validate order management and TPR processes. (PICS # 404)
- This is about 50% complete and has a target date of 5-20-08.
[edit] Naperville PL is switching to Millennium by Innovative Interfaces Inc. We need to make sure we can properly interface with it. (PICS # 403)
- This is about 50% complete.
- 5-7-08: Waiting on customer before we can proceed and establish a target date.
[edit] Remove duplicate FBPs (FollettBound Platinum) on TT. (PICS # 401)
- A list of 58 titles has been identified.
[edit] Set up MARC download for Pima Co. Public Library. (PICS # 409)
- Customer needs to activate grid and test, before we can complete this project.
[edit] Ft. Collins holdings analysis. (PICS # 407)
- Done with four test lists sent to customer.
- Waiting for customer orders before we can proceed with this project.
[edit] Order Management Team Projects
[edit] Generation of secondary POAs. This goes along with TPRs and to be able to give a secondary POA after the first one after the TPR is investigated. (PICS # 44)
[edit] Develop Mainframe Reporting of Plan orders (both booked orders & shipped). (PICS # 129)
- This has a target date of 5-21-08.
[edit] Automatic cancellation of line items based on order end dates. (PICS # 287)
Resume the automatic cancellation of all orders and line items where the order end date is greater than the current date.
[edit] Release Team Projects
[edit] Create Data map; identify all release modules & review logic. (PICS # 296)
Identify all programs related to the release process and verify them against the map. Modify programs if necessary and fix any affected open picklists.
- Once the analysis for the datamap is done we will be able to determine a target date.
- Waiting for available resource.
[edit] Bulk/branch picklist errors (PICS # 320)
Resolve bulk/branch picklist errors caused by missing profiles.
- There is currently a manual work around.
[edit] Shipping/Invoicing Team Projects
[edit] Ensure all ship dates are correctly updated for all types of orders. (PICS # 414)
- This is 50% complete, and has a target date of 5-21-08.
[edit] Print 13 digit ISBN on invoices for Willoughby-Eastlake PL. (PICS # 415)
- This is 60% complete, and has a target date of 5-21-08.
[edit] Fix Printing of invoices with line items or total dollars over $99,999.99. (PICS # 417)
- This is 60% complete, and has a target date of 5-21-08.
[edit] Investigate why we are missing some transactions to BWH017P3. (PICS # 329)
BWH017P3 runs daily at 4:00 AM and sends invoices that were created the previous day to the Brain.
[edit] Create text file of OPENAR amounts linked to the BWI Account/Sub-Account. Currently all invoices are bundled under the Main Account number, leaving it difficult to match invoices to payments when the customer pays by sub-account. (PICS # 491)
- This has a target date of 5-22-08.
[edit] Print correct packing list for each company. (PICS # 416)
[edit] Title Data Team Projects
[edit] Fix out of synch discounts information between the Brain and the Mainframe, and make sure all business rules are in place. (PICS # 350)
- This is 90% complete, and has a target date of 5-16-08.
[edit] Determine what to do with titles that still have Lexington discounting rules. (PICS # 214)
- Goes along with (PICS #350).
- When we originally brought Lexington titles over we brought their discount over because we were filling out of both locations. We have no way to automatically go back and change them to the current discount code.
- This is 90% complete, and has a target date of 5-16-08.
[edit] Pass Public Release Date to TitleWave. (PICS # 344)
- This is 10% complete and has a target date of 5-27-08.
[edit] Create separate purchase orders for NYP and backlist titles. This includes print publishers and AV producers and PO’s that are transmitted via FAX, pubnet and mail. (PICS# 338)
This will make it easier for purchasing and receiving to track and identify NYP titles by a unique purchase order number. NYP titles include plan and other street date sensitive materials.
- IT has asked George to write up a project overview.
- This is 10% complete and has a target date of 6-2-08.
[edit] Research TitleTales missing summaries from the titles for "What's New". (PICS # 438)
- This is 10% complete and has a target date of 6-2-08.
[edit] Add Blu-ray format 1 code (PICS # 333)
- MF portion completed; TW, TT and the Brain will still need work.
[edit] Warehouse Team Projects
[edit] Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS) Phase II (PICS # 9)
This is the implementation of the ASRS to be used for pack and hold cartons.
- System Testing was scheduled to start 4/28 with Tech King as of 5/1 has not started yet. FLR IT will start 5/1 with testing components that do not require assistance from Tech King.
- IT has tested adding/retrieving various cartons sizes to/from the AS/RS. Testing continues with TD and Bulk Branch orders. Testing of new shipping /labeling and SPaM area changes will start Monday 5/19.
- This has a target date of 5-21-08.
[edit] Systematically send to Alchemy (as we do FLR invoices in the batch run) just the picklist cover sheet. By doing this, we'd at least be able to see what instructions printed on the warehouse paperwork. (PICS # 420)
- This has a target date of 5-23-08.
[edit] Projects Awaiting Resources
[edit] Cataloging Team
[edit] Pick-list date is not always accurate on the Work Order file. (PICS # 454)
[edit] DNC and DNP items (PICS # 351)
Systems to be adjusted so that customers are not charged associated costs for DNC (do not catalog) and DNP (do not process) items.
[edit] Job Loader Revisions. Pharos: Complete logic to process JOBDROP and LINEDROP messages. Rework logging to generate an email error report. MF: Send JOBDROP messages to Pharos. Mark cancelled picklists in LCD. Send old cancelled picklists to Pharos and update status in LCD. (PICS # 451)
[edit] EDI Team
[edit] Add EDI data from RIC110 EDI orders to the cat_data table. (PICS # 399)
[edit] Duplicate graphic novels are being displayed in TT. Also, the KOOB icon is missing from several graphic novel titles. (PICS # 402)
[edit] Investigate reports of some customers not getting invoices. (PICS # 336)
[edit] Create checklist for new account setup and incorporate "Not Enough Information Supplied" letter. (PICS # 13)
[edit] Not enough information supplied. EDI programming to tell customers we cannot fill orders without enough information. Cancel order lines which do not supply enough information and send status back in initial POA. (PICS # 231)
[edit] Set up EDI for LOU300, Louisville, OH. (PICS #405)
- Robert will review with Craig to determine priority.
[edit] Order Management Team
[edit] Create screen for tracking picklists by account (PICS # 366)
Add functionality to the picklist browse screen for sorting/browsing by status code. We'd also like to add a field to allow entry of deliver-by date (and sorting by this field too). Improve ability for Customer Service to see status of orders as they are being worked in Custom Cataloging.
[edit] Create an option when canceling a pick ticket for it to either recycle back to the order or cancel the line items. (PICS # 102)
[edit] Create Open Orders and Orders in Warehouse Status reports. (PICS # 220)
[edit] CPS (Chicago Public Schools) Flexport Project (PICS # 223)
Interface with CPS' third party product Flexport to support their procurement and order management processes. The three components of this project include CS manually pulling purchase orders, IT automatically pulling and loading purchase orders into the order management system and producing electronic invoices.
- July 1 we need to be able to send electronic invoices to Chicago and if we are not able to do it by then, we need to have a plan in place that Chicago reviews and approves. We had a web meeting with them to review and understand their program. The other piece is being able to take the orders coming into us through Flexport. Today we print them out and we key them in. They are not sending them to us in an EDI fashion. We get a spreadsheet and there is no programmatic interface.
[edit] Ability for Customer Service to see and to have a different code between warehouse status vs. shipped status on the order release screen. (PICS # 104)
[edit] Need ability to post notes on an invoice to communicate with AR and Returns Departments because the warehouse does not know what to do with the return if the customer returns an item blindly. (PICS # 175)
[edit] Create mechanisms and controls for replicating profile changes across an entire district. (PICS # 495)
[edit] Daily incoming Booked Orders Report. (PICS # 211)
Ideally this would be accessible through the administrative area on TitleTales. Each RAM’s TT login would give him/her permission to access just their specific territory data while Inside management TT logins should have permission to access all order totals as well as individual territory breakouts.
[edit] If an order has TPRs on it, it cannot be shipped Final. The CCC has to Ship and Backorder. Then the next day go back to the order and Cancel it. The TPRs will not allow an order to ship final. Should the CCC fail to cancel the next day more titles could potentially ship out. (PICS # 157)
The work around would be to Ship and Backorder to release what you can and then going back to the order the next day to cancel the order. So while there is a work around, it is a manual effort and leaves a lot of room for error.
[edit] Some Standing Order series are missing from TitleTales. (PICS # 439)
[edit] For Selection Notification & Acquisition Plan (SNAP) orders, Paperback Reissue (PAR) should be a binding type rather than a description code. (PICS # 440)
[edit] For SNAP plan orders, Reissue (REI) should be a description code rather than a binding type. Also, REI should be classified as a Version (VERS) instead of a physical description (PHYD). (PICS # 441)
[edit] Standing Order grid errors should be written to the Plan Log file. (PICS # 442)
[edit] Order Control Numbers (OCNs) do not display on Brain for plan orders. (PICS # 443)
[edit] Do not allow Plan orders to be created on titles without a BWI number. (PICS # 444)
[edit] Implement Billboard Standing Order plans on the mainframe. (PICS # 447)
[edit] Release Team
[edit] Move away from per order restrictions to eliminate small order shipments and allow for Customers who said they want one PO per invoice to still multiple orders in one shipment. (PICS # 339)
Customers want us to ship whenever we have five books ready for their account, regardless of which orders those five books came from.
- This goes along to the newest PIC that was added to accommodate multiple pos for plan orders. This is our way of working around this for standing order customers until a resolution for all types of plan orders can be accommodated.
[edit] Bulk/branch unpick function (PICS # 298)
Need to create a way to "unrelease" or stop a bulk/branch order that has been released to the warehouse.
- There is currently a manual work around.
[edit] Account level Street Date release control (PICS # 348)
The Street Date is overriding monthly shipments, resulting in too many shipments to customers.
[edit] Ensure release process correctly handles max titles and multiple release per day for max units. (PICS # 297)
[edit] Control file access during nightly batch runs. This will prevent users from updating files that would cause conflicts. (PICS # 322)
[edit] Do not allow combining of TT and EDI orders on the same multi-PO release. (PICS # 426)
[edit] Distinguish picklists on-line based on manual versus automated release. (PICS # 427)
[edit] Max dollars per picklist (same as DNE?) (PICS # 323)
If a customer can’t accept an order over a certain dollar amount, we need to separate the order into multiple shipments, so we do not go over their “Do Not Exceed” (DNE).
[edit] Shipping/Invoicing Team
[edit] Invoices with more than 999 lines will not be saved to reprint file. (PICS # 418)
[edit] Delete old A018-Dewey-Hold records from Pack and Hold. When boxes are not properly logged out of pack and hold, the record stays on the Pack and Hold screen as if it is ready to ship. (PICS # 521)
[edit] Automate Bulk/Branch reports/invoices. (PICS #250)
This project has two issues to be resolved. The first has to do with incorrect data. Currently Andrew checks for Bulk/Branch transactions and submits the job by hand. He runs it in test first, to verify the data. About 95% of the time the invoices print correctly. For those incorrect invoices, Andrew must try to get the data issues resolved either by himself or with the help of Kathy/Steve. The second aspect has to do with printing/distribution of invoices/documents. Currently Andrew prints the invoices and reports, then collates and distributes them. The issues are where to print the invoices and who is to collate/distribute them. Not all the paperwork is the same for each invoice.
- Still currently manually processing these.
[edit] Provide capability to sort Shipping Status screen (LWHC45P6) by Austin's Notes. (PICS # 327)
This would require quite a bit of programming. The Austin’s note field is updated all day and is not on the shipping file. To add the field to the shipping file, any updates to the Austin’s Notes would now have to be reflected on the shipping file. Currently the screen only shows the first 6 characters of the note. The sorted text file that shipping uses on a daily basis also only sorts on the first 6 characters. If there is a note on the file, the first 5 characters are STOP (blank). We will talk with shipping to verify their use of this new screen.
- Waiting to talk to users to see what's actually needed. More programming than a simple screen change is needed.
[edit] Bulk Branch project necessary for Key Account Renewal. (PICS # 337)
- Rob will write requirements for his end and this will be a good starting point because this will drive the rest of the project when resources are available. This is a very big project.
[edit] Report paperback sales to FES by amount and zip code. The reporting must be per the FES/FLR Agreement. (PICS # 492)
[edit] With cataloging charges now being computed correctly, the COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) report now needs to be corrected. (PICS # 529)
[edit] Invoices are not being written to the reprint file. (PICS # 331)
[edit] Invoicing and packing list programs die when they hit bad data. (PICS # 332)
[edit] Title Data Team
[edit] K3/36 Paperbacks on TitleWave. Add lower grade level paperbacks to the TW database for customer selection on lists. (PICS # 530)
[edit] Develop a process to automatically create Title File records from Muze data when an order is placed. (PICS # 519)
[edit] Create Gale Discount Codes. (PICS # 119)
We need to set up the proper discount codes for products from Gale. Gale is a leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses, known for its accurate and authoritative reference content.
- Waiting for users to provide information.
[edit] BWI has customers who want to accept Spanish and bilingual (no English) on the plans, but to get bilingual, they have to accept English. (PICS # 341)
Seth wants to be part of the solution for this. This is more than just acquisitions coding the titles correctly. You have to look at the MARC record to determine what language is used. Look in the 008 (Primary language field) and then to the 041 field to see other languages. We may be able to rely on the description codes. The issue is that these are prepub and there is no MARC record. It may be that we need to make an add to the title ad screen.
[edit] Prepare systems to handle the ISBN-13 979-prefix situation. (PICS # 283)
[edit] Acquisitions codes all Pull-Tab, Lift-the-Flap, and Pop-Up books as Toy/Movable (Binding code M). (PICS # 340)
These aren’t considered Toy/Movable to the public library market; in fact, Pull-Tab/Lift-the-Flap/Pop-Up is a search capability on TitleTales. Coding such titles as Toy/Movable renders them searchable as “Novelty,” but public library customers usually tend to think of novelties as books that are totally unsuitable for circulation. Most of these bindings are preschool titles, so FLR may not have had a market for such titles in the past.
- Bill has the ability to add these codes in the system now.
[edit] Warehouse Team
[edit] Create ability to have the detail behind who picked, processed, packed an order (the actually tote lists will provide more detail on pre process, QA, etc). The picklist maintenance screen shows that information up until the order is invoiced. We'd like to keep this detail available until we recycle invoice numbers. (PICS # 421)
[edit] Controlled STOPS (PICS # 419)
Remove the dependency on Austin's notes to hold up picklists/totes. Give Customer Service a means of placing a 'hold' on warehouse fulfillment with managed security.