Talk:Forward-backward algorithm

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I am afraid this isn't complete? Forward-backward approach is to avoid the time complexity of the brute force one, but the method really isn't elaborated here. --huggie

Also, the time complexity formula should omit any constant factors (ie, the 2). The forward-backward algorithm itself just exploits the Markov property to reduce the time complexity to something like  O(N \cdot T) where N is the number of symbols in the alphabet and T is the length of the sequence. Some rough pseudo-code is below:

ForwardBackward(guessState, sequenceIndex):
    if sequenceIndex is past the end of the sequence, return 1
    if (guessState, sequenceIndex) has been seen before, return saved result
    result = 0
    for each neighboring state n:
        result = result + (transition probability from guessState to n given observation element at sequenceIndex)*ForwardBackward(n, sequenceIndex+1)
    save result for (guessState, sequenceIndex)
    return result

The initial call can either be done by creating a loop and calling with all initial probabilities, or creating a dummy start state with transition probabilities equal to the initial probabilities and calling using that. Mskinn99 (talk) 21:04, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

Viterbi algorithm has better pseudo-code, and a better description. The two algorithms are so similar (they can both be implemented in a single function) that it might be worth merging the articles. Mskinn99 (talk) 23:24, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

I extended the page with a brief overview a semi formal description of the algorithm, referenced some performance improvements and included an example. I personally feel that the matrix based description is best to follow. Additionally I felt that it is most helpful to understand the workings of this algorithm through a numerical example. Therefore I included a (rather extensive) example based on an example presented in the widely used AI text book of Russel and Norvig. I also referenced a repository of source code where java code implementing the algorithm may be found. I am generally new to editing at Wikipedia but tried to follow the guidelines I found to be relevant. If the content is not found suitable, contains errors or is otherwise unsuitable, I certainly welcome feedback, critique and any edits, including deletions, deemed necessary :) BJJV (talk) 11:08, 26 May 2008 (UTC)