Talk:Foreign Service Brat
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As a US Foreign Service brat that was born a US citizens overseas, I've always considered myself ineligible to become US President. S.Res.511 seems to open it up to US military brats. Perhaps, we're next. (Personally, I'd accept anyone born a citizen [and resided 14 years in the US, etc ])
S.Res.511 A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.
Introduced: April 09, 2008 Status: Voted on by Senate Latest action: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. Sponsor: Sen. Claire McCaskill [D, MO]
[edit] Brat be decapitalized
Seems to make sense... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:46, 15 May 2008 (UTC)