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Folcwald is the father of Finn. He is mentioned in Widsith and in Beowulf; we reproduce a passage from Beowulf as translated by Seamus Heaney (lines 1089 -- 1090):

Finn, son of Folcwald,
should honor the Danes,

Folcwald was born in Aswald, Scandinavia. Folcwald's father is Trojan Godwulf (b: 80, d: 163) of Asfard, Scandinavia. His mother is Gogolfr (B: 80, d: 180). Trojan's father is Geata Jat Trojan (B: 65, d: 155AD). Geata's father is Taetwa Tecti (40 - 100 AD), whose father is Beow. This line of paternal ancestry continues as follows: Sceldwa DE Troy, Heremond Heremod, Heremond Heremod, Athra Hatta, Hwala Whala, Bedwig Of Sceaf, Danus I Seskef, Magi De Troy, Magi De Troy, Vingener De Troy, Vingethor De Troy, Einridi, King Loridi,(All from Aswald, Scandinavia), King Loidi's father is Tror of Troy,and the paternal ancestry continues back as follows: Munon of Troy, Tithonus OF Troy, Laomedon of Troy, Ilus of Troy, Tros of Troy, Erichthonius, King Of Acadia, Dardanus King Of Dardania, Zarah Ben Judah, Judah ben Israel, Jacob ben Isaac, Isaac ben Abraham, etc. back to Adam