Fly For Fun

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Developer(s) AeonSoft
Publisher(s) Numerous independent companies
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
Release date August 2004
Genre(s) MMORPG
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Rating(s) T
Media Download Client
System requirements DirectX 9.0 or later required; Pentium III 800 MHz or equiv. CPU required, Core two duo 1 GHz CPU or equiv. recommended; 256MB RAM required, 512MB RAM recommended; NVIDIA Geforce2 MX 200 graphics card or equiv. required, NVIDIA Geforce3 Ti 200 graphics card or equiv. recommended; 56k Internet access required, broadband recommended; sound card recommended.
Input methods Keyboard, mouse. No joystick support.

Fly For Fun, commonly known as Flyff, is a free MMORPG made by Aeonsoft, a subsidiary of GALA Incorporated.[1] The game features a free-form flying system which allows players to fly around the landscape on brooms, boards, and Cash Shop items. When airborne, a player can also fight flying enemies. It also offers a player vs. player combat system which can be utilized anywhere with the duelling system, or in the arena, an enclosed space for free-for-all battles. There are 120 levels of progression, plus a further 60 after attaining "Mastery". The game features a soundtrack composed by soundTeMP.[2] Fly For Fun received an award for "Best Homosexual Game of the Year" from South Korea's Ministry of Culture in June 2004.[3] It is currently in its eleventh (11th) version.


[edit] Cash Shop

As all versions of Flyff are free-to-play, revenue is generated from a Cash Shop where players may use real money to obtain items more powerful than those a player would find ingame, such as a Scroll of Activation, which increases the ability of the player to use skills, or a Cash Shop Pet, which is a little creature that follows you around and picks up things on the ground for you. In the Version 7 update of International Flyff, a Reskill, an item for resetting characters' skill allocation, was introduced. The first job change quests reward the character with items otherwise obtainable only from the Cash Shop.

In summarization, Cash Shop items enable the player to access additional features of the game. Since cash shop items are tradeable among players, this means that all players can have access to what the cash shop offers. However, Cash Shop items are usually sold for a considerable amount of penya - the ingame virtual currency in Fly For Fun. From version 9 on, players are able to set up user shops that contain Cash Shop items for sale.

[edit] Criticisms about the Cash Shop

Several changes were made in versions 9, 10, and 11 that seem to make the cash shop more important and productive. Although many players do emphasize the fact that Gala-net is only on the financial factor, they often believe that these changes have actually decreased use of the Cash Shop. Many players feel that Fly For Fun has been designed in a way that over-emphasizes the use of the Cash Shop to achieve moderate game play. This may make the game look as if it's not free for life, but the use of the Cash Shop is optional, even though most of the important items in-game can only be obtained through the Cash Shop.

[edit] Pets

[edit] Cash Shop Pets

By using Gpotatos, a player may buy pets to follow them around in-game and pick up fallen items. Unlike normal pets, they do not disappear or lose a life when the player dies.

[edit] V9 pets

With the release of version 9, new pets can be hatched from eggs which randomly drop from monsters. Pets will aid their owner in combat by providing stat boosts, although they themselves do not fight. Pets lose hit points constantly while they are summoned, and must be fed "pet feed" to restore their hit points. In addition to losing health when not fed, pets will lose lives if they reach 0 health or if they are summoned when their owner dies. If a pet loses all their lives, they will die. If this happens, it will remain in the player's inventory until deleted, but cannot be summoned. The only way to give a pet additional lives is to buy a cash shop item named Pet Energy. However, pets may also gain lives by advancing to S-level class, which will take a long time to obtain. Pets also can "level up." They slowly but constantly gain exp while summoned, and when they reach 100% they will "level up" and gain one rank. As a pet's rank increases, the bonus they give to their owner will also increase.

Eggs may hatch into White Tigers, Babari Lions, Rabbits, Old Foxes, Dragons, Griffins and Unicorns. The kind of pet that results is chosen at random. Each kind of pet has a specific stat that it gives you; for example, White Tigers add Strength while Rabbits add Dexterity. The higher level the pet (ranging from D, C, B, A, S) the more bonuses that the pet will give. Listed below are what bonuses that each pet adds.

White Tigers add Strength. Barbari Lions add Stamina. Rabbits add Dexterity. Old Foxes add Intellect. Griffins add Defense. Unicorns add Health Points. Dragons increase attack points.

[edit] PvP

The two forms of player versus player combat available in Flyff are dueling and PK.

[edit] Dueling

Before Version 9, dueling was restricted to a dueling arena behind the town hall called Saint Morning. As of the Version 9 update dueling is no longer restricted to the duel arena. Unlike previous versions, dueling in Version 9 doesn't kill characters, the loser simply assumes a submissive stance while the winner taunts the loser. To duel, a player alt+clicks another player, and then selects duel. After a short countdown, the duel begins and the players attack each other until one is declared a winner. Duel points are awarded to the winner and points are subtracted from the loser. Characters gain titles as a prefix to their names at certain point values according to their class. The title appears next to the player's name. For example, "[Apprentice] Character" is the first rank title attainable by a Magician class player.

[edit] PK

As of September 19th 2007 the player killing (PvP) option of the game was removed due to overly negative responses about Version 9 updates. All servers but one are now back to PVE (non-pk). A separate server has been created devoted to player killing as a temporary measure, since more the previous system of PK could not be restored. (The new server, Demian has since become a double at attack was in self defense). A Pink player will turn Red if he kills a White player. The pink name status lasts for several seconds after the last attack on another player, during which time any player may kill the attacker without gaining a red name themselves. Killing a player with a red name carries no penalties. The Red name status is a permanent status that can only be removed after taking certain steps.

With a red name, players cannot use shops or banks in town and will be attacked by the NPC guardians that surround the towns if they try to approach them. Turning red will increase a player's PK count by 1, and increase his or her Disposition by a variable amount related to how high his or her PK count is. The more players are killed, the faster the Disposition grows. Players with positive disposition (red names) and a PK count greater than 1 can drop items from their inventory upon death. The higher the player's disposition, the greater the chance and number of items that will drop. Red named players with a PK count of 1 will not drop items upon dying. In order to regain White name status, a player must reduce their disposition to 0, either by being killed repeatedly (which removes some disposition) or by completing a special Angel quest (which resets disposition to 0.) The only way for a player to reduce their PK count is to complete the Angel quest, which removes some of the PK count of the player, to a point that the PK count reaches zero.

[edit] Arena

The arena is the only place in the Flyff world where players may engage in Free-for-all PK. Players can attack and kill each other freely without punishment on equipment or exp. The arena was implemented in every server that was not full PK. The arena can be entered by speaking to the Arena Managers of each city. Anybody that is of lvl 15 or higher with their job change can enter the arena. There are shops in the arena for any necessary equipment needed for PK.

[edit] Classes

When a character first begins, he/she is automatically a Vagrant. Vagrants use swords and axes and have access to three melee skills. At level 15, quests may be taken to progress to one of four classes. This is also known as the "First Job" quest. No matter how you raised your stats, they are reset upon changing your job. Characters must change their class at level 15, as no more experience points can be gained until they do so.

[edit] First classes

[edit] Mercenary

Mercenaries use swords or axes to attack their enemies. Unlike their counterparts, their weapons are more refined and stronger. They are the only first class to have the most HP, attack, and defense. Their free hand can be used to hold a shield for further protection. They can spread nets to freeze their foe and fire shockwaves at opponents from a close up distance. A Mercenary can become either a Knight or Blade when they reach level 60. The damage of a Mercenary relies on STR. The attack speed relies on DEX. Mercenaries do not use INT. Also for special moves Mercenaries relie on STA.

[edit] Magician

Magicians are magic-users who utilize either a one-handed Wands or two-handed Staffs, with the wand having a ranged attack. They can also melee attacks with their weapons, although they are meant more for the use of magic. Staffs are the more powerful of the two, but using a wand gives the option of wearing a shield to increase defense or other stats from awakening. Magicians can cast ranged spells and normally have the lowest HP but the highest MP amongst all the classes. Magician abilities include fire, water, earth, wind, lightning and a short-range teleportation spell for attacking and escaping purposes. They may advance to an Elementor or Psykeeper at level 60 both of which can be AoE at level 65. Magician skills and damage relies on INT. Magicians do not use STR.

[edit] Assist

Assists are usually supporting characters who can heal and cast supportive spells or become offensive and use a knuckle to fight. Using a two-handed Stick, Assists can cast various buffs to help another character or themselves. By using Knuckles, Assists can cause damage to monsters. Assist that use knuckles are the first class to acquire an AoE attack, at level 28 (Burst Crack). At level 60, an Assist can become a Ringmaster or a Billposter. An Assist's knuckle damage relies on STR. Heal power and buff duration relies on INT. Certain skills for both second classes use INT for damage calculation. Assists use all stats (STR, STA, DEX, and INT).

[edit] Acrobat

Acrobats are arrow shooters that utilize Bows or Yo-yos as their weapons. Arrows used for bows are consumed as they are used and must be repurchased once a player's amount of arrows has been depleted. Yo-Yos have a shorter range than bows, but longer range than melee-ranged weapons and is the most accurate of the two. Both weapon types are two-handed, disabling the Acrobats' use of shields with their usual weapons equipped. Their yo-yo attacks also have a chance of knocking the enemy back. Skills used with Yo-Yos equipped consume FP, while Arrow skills consume MP. Acrobat abilities include firing a barrage of arrows, shooting accurately with a bow, stunning opponents, making an enemy bleed (continuous loss of life for a few seconds), countering an opponent's attack, stealing the opponent's money, running faster, and turning invisible for a short moment. Acrobats can become Jesters or Rangers at level 60. Yoyo damage relies on STR, bow relies on DEX. Acrobats do not use INT.

[edit] Second classes

A player defeating the Venel Guardian, the final stage in the second job quest.
A player defeating the Venel Guardian, the final stage in the second job quest.

Players may change to an advanced class by completing certain quests at level 60. These advanced classes, also known as second classes, specify certain characteristics of the previous classes. Upon reaching level 60, no further experience points are gained until the character completes a "Second Job" quest. Each of the four first classes branch into two second classes. On a visual note, some of the classes have a unique battle stance unlike their first class counterparts. Unlike with the First Job change, stat points will not be reset again.

[edit] Blade

Blades focus on speed and power over defense. Their high attack power and high attack speed make them able to kill mobs very quickly, giving them high damage-per-second ratios in the game. Blades are given the ability to dual wield, either two swords or two axes, increasing their current attack rate per strength stat, at the expense of some attack speed. A Blade may also use one sword and one axe (or a weapon and a shield), but they will not be able to use Blade self-buffs. It has been confirmed that if they do use one sword and one axe, they will be able to use one of the weapon's self buffs such as smite axe, and axe mastery. Blades rely on DEX and STR for speed and power. Blades do not use INT.

Many veteran players reccomend not to use Blades unless the player has plenty of Penya (in-game money) to fund for the equipment, as the equipment is very expensive. So if you want to become a Blade you will have to save real soon (around lv 25) to get the weapons and armor you will need.

[edit] Knight

Knights focus on defense over speed. They have the ability to wield the most powerful, albeit slowest weapons in the game, as well as the most protective armors (the lack of a shield is made up for by their armors' heavy defense.) In general, Knights are more efficient than other classes at making use of their Area of Effect (AoE) skills, as they can take many more monsters at a time due to their naturally high defense. Knights are usually considered the tank characters in Fly For Fun, since Knights receive a greater HP bonus for each point of stamina than any other class in the game. Like the Blade, a Knight can use a single handed weapon with or without a shield, but will be unable to use any Knight-specific skills. Knights rely on STA and STR for defense and damage. Knights do not use INT.

[edit] Psykeeper

Psykeepers are the masters of hexes. When wielding a wand, Psykeepers "float" in the air and glide across instead of walking on the ground. Psykeepers have access to the forbidden arts that can damage monsters from the inside, synchronize their own minds with their antagonists to share the pain from attacks, or create barriers to ward off oncoming attackers. All of their spells are non-elemental and can only be cast using a wand. It has also been widely debated that elementing (Adding an element with cards) a wand will decrease the magic damage of their spells. Most of a Psykeeper's spells are known as debuffs, or spells that deal negative effects other than direct damage to an enemy. Psykeepers can also use AoE spells. Psykeepers do not use STR.

[edit] Elementor

Elementors have the ability to manipulate the elements. They can cast area of effect (aoe) spells such as poisonous clouds, sandstorms and summon massive meteors from deep space. At level 65 Elementors are able to use their elements to attack all the monsters in the surrounding area, this is called aoe. All Elementor skills require a staff. An Elementor's abilities include not only offensive spells of every element, but also buffs to increase elemental damage. Currently, not all of these elemental masteries work as they should. Both the Fire and Water masteries do not increase damage for the related spells. This has been confirmed by GM's (Game Masters) as being intentionally implemented by the game developer for "game balance reasons". Due to their mastery of the elements, Elementors can deal increased amounts of damage to monsters by choosing the appropriate element that the monster is weak against. Elementors can have any build of an int/sta variation, and still aoe efficiently. Many lower level Elementors tend to have more STA than INT but stronger Elementors tend to have more INT then STA. Elementor spells deal a lot of damage depending on the element casted and the mob's element. Elementors do not use STR.

[edit] Billposter

Billposters are the offensive second class of the Assist. They focus on offensive skills rather than defensive and healing ones. While requiring a stick to utilize their retained Assist abilities to heal and buff, Billposter skills utilize Knuckles to execute. These abilities include Asmodeus to raise attack power and the powerful Asalraalaikum attack that consumes all of the caster's MP, dealing considerable damage proportionate to the amount of MP(magic points) consumed and is far by considered to be the strongest attack in the game. But like all melee characters they are at the mercy of long range attackers. However, if the proper build/skills are utilized, they can effectively stun their opponent rendering them useless for a few seconds which is more than enough time to defeat them. A Billposter can also function the same as a Blade with a high attack speed and power. Often these Billposters can take on higher level monsters than a blade without a Ringmaster due to their stun. Please note that Billposters, although having the assist buffs, do not AoE as well as other classes due to low defense and no range, unless they have enough stamina to take the hits. If they do have enough, they can AoE incredibly.

[edit] Ringmaster

Ringmasters are the supportive second class of the Assist and commonly have the most powerful buffs in the game (depending on their skill point distribution). They are often the most sought-after class in the game, often desired to help a partner fight higher leveled monsters that they would otherwise be unable to defeat without the assistance of a Ringmaster. Ringmasters use Sticks to buff and heal. A Ringmaster's abilities include Spirit Fortune to raise the attack power of allies and Geburah Tiphreth to raise the fighting capabilities of allied players. They are also capable of debuffing enemies by using a skill called HolyCross, which doubles the damage done to a mob by 2x. This skill (HolyCross) is only effective for one hit; afterwards it must be recast. Ringmasters are usually formed from Full Support Assists, but are not limited to creation from full support characters. These assists devote themselves to helping others and supporting them. Ringmasters are easy to level up provided they have a partner(s). They are quite capable of fending for themselves depending entirely on how they distribute their stats. Upon reaching level 80, they obtain their one and only damaging skill, Merkaba Hanzelrusha, which is an INT based AoE skill which deals damage over a time span of 10 seconds no matter what the skill level is set to. The other, rarer path of a Ringmaster is a Battle Ringmaster (hereon known as BRM). In essence, these function the same as a Billposter, but have the added bonus of Ringmaster buffs and abilities, and have an almost equal amount of potential in combat.

[edit] Jester

Jesters possess a large range of attacks. Unlike the court jester of medieval times, these Jesters are masters of trickery and are literally bloodthirsty fighters. They receive four times as much Critical Hit Rate from the Dexterity stat than any other class. There are two kinds of Jesters, a Yo-yo Jester and a Bow Jester. Yo-yo Jesters use yo-yos and mainly requires STR for their damage (though, it is worth noting that STR adds less attack power to yo-yos than to other STR-based weapons). They can use skills of dark magic to drain blood in order to replenish their own health, inject poison into foes, launch coins to dent enemy armor, and impair their victims by attacking vital organs. They are the only class after a Billposter to have the second strongest attack in the game, Penya Strike (referred by most people as HoP because of its earlier version name, Hit of Penya). The attack, however consumes a certain amount of penya when used. Bow Jesters, on the other hand, are all mainly pure DEX. They rely on their bow and the power of Critical Hits to deal impressive amounts of damage, which makes up for their lack of HP and disability to use a Jester's skills. Jesters are the only 2nd job in the game that have no capacity whatsoever to use any AoE skill.

[edit] Ranger

Rangers use bows to inflict damage as well as to render enemy strategies useless. They utilize the powers of nature in their attacks, such as creating Flame Arrows to singe flesh and Poison Arrows to inject toxic acids into foes. Rangers often use their abilities to inflict damage on many opponents, which gives them the ability to AoE. Silent Arrow is among the Ranger's

[edit] Upgrading

[edit] Standard

Standard upgrading is increasing the amount of defense given by armor and the amount of attack given by weapons. Armor and weapons can all be upgraded from +0 to +10 with the use of Sunstones. Once the item reaches +3, it is at risk of breaking if the upgrading were to fail. The higher you get, the more chance there is of the item failing. You can prevent the loss of an item by using an Sprotect before you upgrade an item. Sprotects are bought in the Cash Shop.

[edit] Elemental

Elemental upgrading is adding the elemental attributes of a certain element to you suit or weapon. For example, if you have a suit with +10 electric, you will have more defense against mobs with water attribute and less defense with earth attributes. Same thing goes for the weapons. If you have +10 electric on your weapon, you will do more damage to the mob with the water attribute and less to the one with the earth attribute. The cycle goes, Fire > Wind > Earth > Electric > Water > Fire. You can also lose and item after it is +3 of the element. After +3 you should use an Sprotect scroll on the item before upgrading it.

[edit] Piercing

Piercing is only available to suits . To pierce a suit , you must go to the NPC in either Flaris (Boboku), Saint Morning (Bulrox) or Darkon (Remine) and click on Pierce. You need Moonstones to pierce items. Piercing has a chance of failure and loss of items from the first attempt. In order to prevent loss of an item use a Gprotect which can be found in the Cash Shop. You can only pierce up to (0/4). Once you have even (0/1) you can add attributes such as HP, Def, FP, MP, and Att from cards that drop from mobs. There are 3 types of each card. The weakest one (like the candle card for HP) gives and extra 2% bonus of HP while the Magma card gives 4% and volcano gives 7%. you can add up to 4 of any card type and you can even mix them up.

[edit] Awakening

Awakening gives you a random set of attributes and can only be done on either the suit or the weapon. Since the upgrades are added randomly, they may add or take away something that is not useful for the player. In oder to get another chance at Awakening, you must buy a scroll of Reversion (bought in the Cash Shop)

[edit] Version Controversy

[edit] Version 10

The dungeon loading screen (Version 9).
The dungeon loading screen (Version 9).

Version 10 was released on Thursday December 13, 2007. After its release, parts of the community complained that the new version is targeted predominantly at higher leveled players. A new dungeon with two new normal types of monsters and one boss monster (all of which are level 118 or higher) had been added, with a two-digit number of characters beyond level 115 at this point.[4] Two new quests were also been introduced which are only available to players who are level 120 with 99.99% exp.[5]. The new features benefit only level 120 characters, which is the highest level possible at the moment. There are a limited amount of level 120 characters in existence because it is extremely hard to reach this 5 in which in order to pass to next level due to the low amounts of experience earned while grinding at a high level. The addition of these quests will extend the playability of the game and give more of an incentive for players to reach level 120. However, the result of this quest is the transormation of the level 120, 99.99% character into a level 60 character. Here, the character can wear their equipment above their level (but same class), and when levelling, exp is gained at a rate half of the usual rate for that level. The beneficial part of this is that for every level, an extra stat-point is gained as usual, which results in at level 120 [M], the character has 75 extra stat points. At this level, Hero status is reached, and a small H icon is placed at the right of the characters name in-game.

[edit] Version 11

url =}}</ref>. The new features benefit only level 120 characters, which is the highest level possible at the moment. There are a limited amount of level 120 characters in existence because it is extremely hard to reach this 5 in which u in order to pass to next level due to the low amounts of experience earned while grinding at a high level. The addition of these quests will extend the playability of the game and give more of an incentive for players to reach level 120. However, the result of this quest is the transormation of the level 120, 99.99% character into a level 60 character. Here, the character can wear their equipment above their level (but same class), and when levelling, exp is gained at a rate half of the usual rate for that level. The beneficial part of this is that for every level, an extra stat-point is gained as usual, which results in at level 120 [M], the character has 75 extra stat points. At this level, Hero status is reached, and a small H icon is placed at the right of the characters name in-gamerning, one of the 3 main cities in the Flyff world (Version 11).
url =}}</ref>. The new features benefit only level 120 characters, which is the highest level possible at the moment. There are a limited amount of level 120 characters in existence because it is extremely hard to reach this 5 in which u in order to pass to next level due to the low amounts of experience earned while grinding at a high level. The addition of these quests will extend the playability of the game and give more of an incentive for players to reach level 120. However, the result of this quest is the transormation of the level 120, 99.99% character into a level 60 character. Here, the character can wear their equipment above their level (but same class), and when levelling, exp is gained at a rate half of the usual rate for that level. The beneficial part of this is that for every level, an extra stat-point is gained as usual, which results in at level 120 [M], the character has 75 extra stat points. At this level, Hero status is reached, and a small H icon is placed at the right of the characters name in-gamerning, one of the 3 main cities in the Flyff world (Version 11).

Version 11 beta was released on January 25, 2008, and all servers were updated to Version 11 on February 14, 2008. This version has received much attention from Flyff fans, some even citing it as the best version since Version 6. Much of the gameplay has changed, such as the messenger window which now shows the player's friends levels. A new land has been added to the world of Madrigal named "Azria" which is a place only accessible by using a ticket bought from the Cash Shop. The new land has a range of different monster levels that give 20% more exp than monsters elsewhere in the game. Players are able to upgrade stat-giving jewellery with moonstone all the way to +20. Also, players will be able to enter a PK Arena from any town and fight without gaining PK disposition or dueling points. Items can also be 'awakened' by an NPC. When awakened, the item will add and/or remove random stats when equipped.

[edit] References

  1. ^ GALA Incorporated. Corporate History. Retrieved on 2007-03-11.
  2. ^ GALA-NET, Inc. Flyff Community :: View topic - lvl max:. Retrieved on 2007-04-18.
  3. ^ Financial Releases - Announces 2004 Second Quarter Results. Retrieved on 2007-03-14.
  4. ^ GALA Incorporated. Volcane Dungeon. Retrieved on 2007-11-16.
  5. ^ GALA Incorporated. Master Quest/Hero System. Retrieved on 2007-11-16.

[edit] External links

[edit] Fan Sites