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Fluffing or fluffer can mean:

  • Fluffing is a hairdressing and makeup term. Fluffers were originally those who touched up an actress's hair and makeup during a shoot.
  • A fluffer is one who prepares a house for sale, employing cosmetic skills, such as hedge pruning, or psychological tactics, such as baking bread while the house is being shown.
  • On a TV show set or in a comedy club setting, "fluffer" can refer to a warm-up act, whose task it is to engage the audience prior to the arrival of the main attraction or in between takes.
  • Fluffing is also a slang term used in acting. An actor who misreads his/her lines but continues on in character is said to have "fluffed" their lines. This term is primarily used in Britain.
  • In call centers, fluffing can be used to describe call avoidance, often by offering incomplete solutions or referring the caller to another provider.
  • Fluffing can also be used to describe the artificial inflation of another's ego for personal gain and/or insincere promotion of ideals or policies.
  • Fluffing is also a euphemism used to refer to farting.
  • Fluffer can refer to a staff officer who won't let an issue or program die as they've been instructed to.
  • Fluffers or Fluffies has been used as a name for workers on the London Underground who would clean hair, dirt and dust from the tunnels at night when no tube trains run.[1] The work was often done by hand by female workers.[2]
  • Fluffer can refer to a person who is constantly exaggerating (fluffing up) his/her life story for the purposes of making it more dramatic.
  • A fluffer is a hired member of the crew of a pornographic movie whose role on the set is to sexually arouse the male participants prior to the filming of scenes requiring erections.
  • A Fluffer is one of the three kinds of Stroggs in the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars video game.