Flow velocity

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In fluid dynamics the flow velocity, or velocity field, of a fluid is a vector field which is used to mathematically describe the motion of a fluid.


[edit] Definition

The flow velocity of a fluid is a vector field


which gives the velocity of an element of fluid at a position \mathbf{x}\, and time  t\, .

[edit] Uses

The flow velocity of a fluid effectively describes everything about the motion of a fluid. Many physical properties of a fluid can be expressed mathematically in terms of the flow velocity. Some common examples follow:

[edit] Steady flow

Main article: Steady flow

The flow of a fluid is said to be steady if  \mathbf{u} does not vary with time. That is if

 \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t}=0.

[edit] Incompressible flow

Main article: Incompressible flow

A fluid is incompressible if the divergence of \mathbf{u} is zero:


That is, if \mathbf{u} is a solenoidal vector field.

[edit] Irrotational flow

Main article: Irrotational flow

A flow is irrotational if the curl of \mathbf{u} is zero:


That is, if \mathbf{u} is an irrotational vector field.

[edit] Vorticity

Main article: Vorticity

The vorticity, ω, of a flow can be defined in terms of its flow velocity by


Thus in irrotational flow the vorticity is zero.

[edit] The velocity potential

Main article: Potential flow

If an irrotational flow occupies a simply-connected fluid region then there exists a scalar field φ such that


The scalar field φ is called the velocity potential for the flow. (See Irrotational vector field.)
