Flora of Brisbane

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The greater Brisbane area of Queensland Australia, has many species of indigenous flora . This article links the flora to its geography with:

  • a list of indigenous genera and species with common names and reference links
  • a list of places you might see the plants around Brisbane, in parks and in the wild
  • reference resources


[edit] Plants

The list is organised in alphabetic order by genera; then species scientific name and common names; then external links documenting that species.

[edit] A

Wikispecies has information related to:
  • Acronychia, Aspens
    • Acronychia laevis, Glossy acronychia
    • Acronychia pauciflora, Soft acronychia
  • Adiantum
    • Adiantum aethiopicum, Common maidenhair fern
    • Adiantum hispiulum, Rough maidenhair fern
  • Alchornea
    • Alchornea ilicifolia, Native Holly
  • Alectryon
    • Alectryon tomentosus, Hairy alectryon
  • Alocasia
    • Alocasia brisbanensis, Cunjevoi
  • Alpinia
    • Alpinia caerulea, Native ginger
  • Alyxia
    • Alyxia ruscifolia, Chain fruit
  • Angophora, Apples, Gums
    • Angophora subvelutina, Broadleaf apple
    • Angophora leiocarpa, Rusty Gum
  • Aphananthe
    • Aphananthe philippinensis, Axe handle wood
  • Aristolochia
    • Aristolochia praevenosa, Richmond birdwing butterfly vine
  • Arytera
    • Arytera divaricata, Coogera
  • Asplenium
    • Asplenium australasicum, Birdsnest fern
  • Austromyrtus
    • Austromyrtus bidwillii, Python tree
    • Austromyrtus hillii, Scaly Myrtle
    • Austromyrtus acmenoides, Scrub ironwood
  • Austrosteenisia
    • Austrosteenisia blackii, Blood vine

[edit] B

  • Baloghia
    • Baloghia inophylla, Scrub bloodwood
Wikispecies has information related to:
  • Bridelia
    • Bridelia exaltata, Brush ironbark
    • Bridelia leichhardtii, Small-leaved brush ironbark

[edit] C

Wikispecies has information related to:
  • Capparis
    • Capparis arborea, Brush caper berry
  • Cassine
    • Cassine australis, Red olive plum
  • Cissus
    • Cissus antarctica, Water vine
    • Cissus opaca, Small-leaf water vine
  • Citriobatus
    • Citriobatus pauciflorus, Orange thorn
    • Citriobatus linearis, Bird's nest bush
  • Corchorus
    • Corchorus cunninghamii, Native jute
  • Cordyline
    • Cordyline petiolaris, Broad-leaved palm lily
    • Cordyline rubra, Red-fruited palm lily

[edit] D

  • Davallia
    • Davallia pyxidata, Haresfoot fern
  • Dendrobium, Orchids
    • Dendrobium speciosum, King orchid
    • Dendrobium macropus
    • Dendrobium linguiforme, Tongue orchid
    • Dendrobium monophyllum, Lily of the valley orchid
    • Dendrobium teretifolium, Bridal veil orchid
  • Denhamia
    • Denhamia pittosporoides, Veiny denhamia

Dianella congesta, Dwarf Flax-lily

  • Drynaria
    • Drynaria rigidula, Basket fern

[edit] E

  • Erythina
    • Erythina vespertilio, Bat's wing coral tree
Wikispecies has information related to:

[edit] F

Wikispecies has information related to:
  • Flindersia, Ash
    • Flindersia australis, Crow's ash
    • Flindersia bennettiana, Bennett's ash

[edit] G

  • Gmelina
    • Gmelina leichhardtii, White beech
Wikispecies has information related to:
  • Gymnostachys
    • Gymnostachys anceps, Settlers flax

[edit] H

  • Hovea
    • Hovea acutifolia, Pointed-leaved hovia

[edit] I

[edit] J

[edit] K

[edit] L

  • Lobelia
    • Lobelia trigonocaulis, Forest lobelia

Lomandra hystrix

Wikispecies has information related to:

[edit] M

Wikispecies has information related to:
  • Mallotus
    • Mallotus philippensis, Red kamala
    • Mallotus cloaxiloides, Green kamala
    • Mallotus discolor, Yellow kamala
  • Melia
  • Melicope
    • Melicope micrococca, White euodia

[edit] N

  • Notelaea
    • Notelaea longifolia, Large mock-olive

[edit] O

  • Omalanthus
    • Omalanthus populifolius, Bleeding heart
  • Oplismenus
    • Oplismenus aemulus, Creeping beard grass
  • Ottochloa
    • Ottochloa gracillima
  • Owenia
    • Owenia venosa, Crow's apple

[edit] P

  • Pararchidendron
    • Pararchidendron pruinosum, Monkey's ear-rings
  • Pittosporum
    • Pittosporum rhombifolium, Hollywood
    • Pittosporum revolutum, Brisbane laurel
  • Planchonella
    • Planchonella cotinifolia, Coondoo
    • Planchonella pohlmaniana, Engraver's wood
    • Planchonella myrsinoides, Yellow plumwood
  • Platycerium
    • Platycerium bifurcatum, Elkhorn
    • Platycerium superbum, Staghon
  • Psychotria
    • Psychotria daphnoides, Smooth psychotria
  • Pteris
    • Pteris esculentum, Common bracken
    • Pteris tremula, Tender bracken
  • Pultenaea
    • Pultenaea cunninghamii, Grey bush pea
    • Pultenaea villosa, Hairy bush pea
  • Pyrrosia
    • Pyrrosia confluens, Felt fern

[edit] Q

[edit] R

  • Rhodosphaera
    • Rhodosphaera rhodanthema, Deep yellowwood

[edit] S

  • Smilax
    • Smilax australis, Barbed wire vine
  • Streblus
    • Streblus brunonianus, Whalebone tree

[edit] T

  • Tabernaemontana
    • Tabernaemontana pandacaqui, Banana bush (Ervatamia angustissepala)
  • Techima
    • Techima tenax, Pitted-leaf steelwood
  • Trema
    • Trema aspera, Poison peach

[edit] U

[edit] V

[edit] W

  • Waterhousea
    • Waterhousea floribunda, Weeping lilly pilly (Syzygium floribundum)
  • Wilkiea
    • Wilkiea macrophylla, Large-leaved wilkiea

[edit] X

[edit] Y

[edit] Z

[edit] Fungi

No longer classified as flora, Brisbane also has species of indigenous fungi.

  • Phellinus, Hoof-shaped caps on living or dead trees, annular growth rings, very hard.

[edit] Places

Parklands, forests and reserves with native vegetation around Brisbane.

[edit] Metropolitan Area

[edit] Within 100km

[edit] Within 180km

[edit] References

[edit] Plant Reference Materials

  • "Eucalyptus Forest Guide"; P.A.R. Young, P.J. Hauser; Brisbane Forest Park Administration Authority, 1988; ISBN 0-7242-2798-9
  • "Field guide to Eucalypts Volume 3 Northern Australia"; Brooker, Kleinig; Inkata Press, 1994; ISBN 0-909605-67-X
  • "Mangroves to Mountains - a field guide to the Native Plants of the Logan-Albert River Catchment"; Logan River branch SGAP. (Qld Region) Inc, 2002; ISBN 1-875401-95-4
  • "Mangroves to Mountains Volume 2 - a field guide to the Native Plants of South-east Queensland"; Logan River branch SGAP (Qld Region) Inc, 2005; ISBN 0-646-45089-1
  • "Putting back the forest - a landcare guide for Brookfield, Pullenvale and Moggill"; Bryan Hacker, Rona Butler and Rae Rekdahl; Rural Environment Planning Association Inc, 1994; ISBN 0-646-20579-X
  • "Rainforest Guide"; P.A.R. Young, P.J. Hauser, L.G.H. Hepworth, K Plowman; Brisbane Forest Park Administration Authority, 1991; ISBN 0-7242-4605-3
  • "Tree ID made Easy - a simple guide to open-forest trees of South-East Queensland"; Ann Moran; Published by the author; ISBN 0-646-05209-8

[edit] Fungi Reference Materials

  • "A field guide to the Fungi of Australia"; A.M. Young, Kay Smith; UNSW Press, 2005; ISBN 0-86840-742-9

[edit] Places Reference Materials

[edit] Revegetation and planting resources

[edit] See also