FLO International

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FLO International e.V.
Type Non-profit organization
Founded 2004
Headquarters Bonn, Germany
Key people Rob Cameron, CEO
Barbara Fiorito, Chair of the Board
Industry Product certification
Products Producer Business Development, Standards Development
Website www.fairtrade.net

FLO International is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder association involving 23 member organizations (labelling Initiatives and producer networks), traders and external experts. The organization develops and reviews Fairtrade standards, assists producers in gaining and maintaining Fairtrade certification and capitalizing on market opportunities.

FLO International is one of the two organizations which resulted from the January 2004 split of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International.


[edit] Membership

Over 20 Fairtrade labelling initiatives are FLO International members:

These labelling initiatives were joined in 2007 by three Fairtrade producer networks:

  • Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC)
  • Network of Asian Producers (NAP)
  • Africa Fairtrade Network (AFN)

[edit] Mission

FLO International’s mission is to enable the sustainable development and empowerment of disadvantaged producers & workers in developing countries through Fairtrade certification by:

  • setting international Fairtrade standards;
  • facilitating and developing Fairtrade business;
  • supporting producers in making maximum use of the opportunities offered by Fairtrade certification; and by
  • promoting the case for trade justice in debates on trade and development.

FLO is the only organization in the world that specializes in Fairtrade standard-setting.

[edit] Governance

FLO International is a membership-based, not-for-profit association under German law. Its membership is open to Fairtrade labelling Initiatives and producer networks.

Both producer networks and labelling initiatives hold regular assemblies to allow their members to discuss relevant common issues. These assemblies are followed by an annual general assembly of all members, where issues such as membership and approval of annual accounts are discussed. Members of the FLO Board of Directors are also elected during general assemblies.

The FLO Board of Directors is composed of:

  • 5 labelling initiative representatives;
  • 4 producer network representatives (with at least a member from Latin America, Africa and Asia);
  • 2 certified trader representatives;
  • 2 external Board Members (usually consultants and field experts);

The FLO Board is primarily responsible for the strategic orientations of the organization, its financial and risk management, and relations with the organization's Chief Executive Officer.

The board also appoints members to the following committees:

  • The Standards Committee
  • The Finance Committee
  • The Nominations Committee

[edit] Structure

FLO International is divided into three units: Standards, Finance and Central Services, and Producer Business Unit.

  • The Standards Unit (SU) sets and maintains Fairtrade standards.
  • The Finance and Central Services Unit (FCSU) ensures coordinated communications, finance, human resources, fundraising and IT services.
  • The Producer Business Unit (PBU) supports producers in gaining and maintaining Fairtrade certification and capitalizing on market opportunities.

[edit] Fairtrade standards

Certified Fairtrade banana producer in Ecuador.
Certified Fairtrade banana producer in Ecuador.

Given the development focus of Fairtrade, FLO standards contain minimum requirements that all producer organisations must meet to become certified as well as progress requirements in which producers must demonstrate improvements over time.

There are two types of Fairtrade standards for disadvantaged producers: standards for small farmers' organizations and for hired labour situations. Fairtrade standards for small farmers' organizations include requirements for democratic decision making, ensuring that producers have a say in how the Fairtrade Premiums are invested etc. They also include requirements for capacity building and economic strengthening of the organization.

Fairtrade standards for hired labour situations ensure that workers receive decent wages and enjoy the freedom to join unions and bargain collectively. Fairtrade certified plantations must also ensure that there is no forced or child labour and that health and safety requirements are met. In a hired labour situation, Fairtrade standards require a “joint body” to be set up with representatives from both management and workers. This joint body decides on how Fairtrade premiums will be spent to benefit plantation workers.

For some products, such as coffee, only Fairtrade standards for small farmers' organizations are applicable. For others, such as tea, both small farmers' organizations and plantations can be certified.

Fairtrade standards and procedures are approved by the FLO Standards Committee, an external committee comprising all FLO stakeholders (labelling initiatives, producers and traders) and external experts. Fairtrade standards are set in accordance to the requirements of the ISEAL Code of Good Practice in standards setting and are in addition the result of an extensive consultation process, involving a variety of stakeholders: producers, traders, external experts, inspectors, certification staff etc.[1]

[edit] Producer support

The Producer Business Unit (PBU) supports producers in gaining and maintaining Fairtrade certification and capitalizing on market opportunities. Furthermore, PBU assists producer organizations on issues ranging from encouraging democratic development to finding markets for their products. These services are offered via regular visits to producer organizations and the work of approximately 26 Liaison Officers who cover 39 producer countries, who offer support locally to Fairtrade producers.[2]

[edit] International Fairtrade Certification Mark

The International Fairtrade Certification Mark is an independent consumer Mark used in over 17 countries which appears on products as an independent guarantee that disadvantaged producers in the developing world are getting a better deal. The International Fairtrade Certification Mark is owned and protected by FLO International, on behalf of its 20 member Fairtrade labelling initiatives.

For a product to carry the Fairtrade Certification Mark, it must come from FLO-CERT inspected and certified producer organizations. The crops must be grown and harvested in accordance with the International Fairtrade standards set by FLO International. The supply chain is also monitored by FLO-CERT to ensure the integrity of labelled products. Only authorized licensees can use the Fairtrade Certification Mark on their products.

The International Fairtrade Certification Mark shows a cheering person - representing both the producers celebrating a fair deal through Fairtrade, and the consumers who know they are making a positive difference through the purchase of Fairtrade products.

[edit] See also

ATOs AgroFair · Alter Eco · Artisans du Monde · Cafédirect · Claro Fair Trade · Cooperative Coffees · Ctm altromercato · Divine Chocolate · Equal Exchange · Equita · El Puente · EZA Fairer Handel · Fair Trade Original · Gepa The Fair Trade Company · Ideas · Intermon Oxfam · La Siembra · Oxfam-Magasins du monde · Oxfam Trading · Oxfam-Wereldwinkels · SERRV International · Solidar'Monde · Traidcraft · Twin Trading · Ten Thousand Villages · Veja Sneakers

[edit] References

  1. ^ Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (2006). Standard Setting. URL accessed on October 4, 2006.
  2. ^ Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (2006). Liaison Officers. URL accessed on October 4, 2006.

[edit] External links

[edit] FLO International Members:
