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Flintloque is a Historo-Fantasy Skirmish miniatures wargame based on the Napoleonic Wars. It was created and written by Mac Coxhead and Steve Blease and it was published by Alternative Armies in 1995. The initial release of Flintloque 1st edition was followed up by Deadloque (Death in the Snow - The Undead) and then Grapeshotte (rules for artillery and other weapons in Flintloque). Flintloque then spawned a mass battle level game called Slaughterloo, written by Mike Roberts in 1998, that is set in the same game world as Flintloque. Presently in its second edition the core game of Flintloque was re-written by Mike Roberts and Anthony Spencer Williams into Flintloque Reloaded in 2002.
While the history of the Napoleonic wars are largely held to, the setting is a fantasy world (Valon) in which all the countries are inhabited by different fantasy races. Napoleon himself is represented by the Elven Emperor Mordred, who changed the face of warfare when he discovered gunpowder with the help of his god, Buon-Partee. His main foe the Duke of Wheeling-Turn is an Orc based largely on the Duke of Wellington.
Unlike most fantasy settings, the races aren't seen as intrinsically "good" or "evil". In fact, most of the traditional "monsters" are largely on the side of right, opposing the Elven Empire. These foes range from Orcs and Goblins to Ratmen and Dogmen along with many others.
The basic World is named Valon and is separated historically in to several ages only 3 of which are listed. The Flintloque serise starts as the 3rd age finishes at the battle of dresda when Wheelingturns musket armed orcs smashed the 3rd age armoured humans and took the city.
The 3 known ages (historical epochs) are as follows:-
- The 3rd age is the "Steel Age"
- The 4th age is the "The Napoleonique Age"
- The 5th age is the "Age of Perkussion"
[edit] 60 Bloody Rounds
This is the only official authorized fanzine for Flintloque. It is the brain child of Michael White, co-owner of Transdimensional Games. This quarterly publication features scenarios and fan based articles.
[edit] The Notables Club
This is a bi-monthly fanzine published by the makers of Flintloque that supports the game. This printed publication in the form of a loose sheaf 18th Century English newspaper contains fiction, scenarios, information, reviews of the latest miniatures and artwork. It also accepts fan submissions gladly.
Currently all those who ask for a copy of the newspaper get it sent to them free all over the world.
[edit] The Countries and Nations Of Valon
[edit] The Ferach & Ferach Allies
- Armorica (France) - High Elves
- Foreign regiments in the Ferach army
- Guinalean Legion (Legion Irlandaise) - Bog Orcs
- Legion De Nain (Bavarian Corps)- best of the Finklestien Confederation Dwarves
- Hunvarian Legion (Legion Hanovrienne)- best of the Finklestien Confederation Ogres
Amorican allies
- Nepolise (Italy)(sicily)(venice)- Todoroni-(split into big toads and small toads)
- Burrovia (Batavian Republic)- Rabbits
- Skandavia (Scandinavia) - Trolka
- Tuscani (Tuscany) - Wild Elves
- Dutchy of Coltz (Duchy of Warsaw)- Centaurs & werewolves
- Finkelstein Confederation (Confederation of the Rhine)- Dogmen, Dwarves and Ogres
[edit] The Grand Alliance
- Great Britorcn (United Kingdom)
- Albion (England) - Orcs
- Guinelia (Ireland) - Bog Orcs
- Joccia (Scotland) - Ratmen (split into big highland rats and small lowland rats)
- Taffsea (Wales) - Hobgoblins
- Foreign regiments in the Albion army
- Krautian Giant Legion (King's German Legion) - Ogres refugee ogres from Hunvaria
- Honourable East Valonian Company(East India Company) - Halflings and goblin sepoys
- Korsuca (Corsica) - Elves
Albion allies
- Catalucia (Spain) - Dark Elves
- Al-Garvey (Portugal) - Goblins
- Krautia (Prussia) - Dwarves
- Ostaria (Austria) - Dogmen
- Trolka of the Alliance (Netherlands) - Trolka
[edit] The Undead of the Witchlands
- Army of the Star Wraith (Russia) - Undead
- Diberia (Poland) - Werewolves
[edit] The Otharmann Empire of Aegpyt
- The Othari (The Ottoman Empire) - Ottermen
- Halflings of Aegpyt (Mamluk and other African nations) - Halflings
[edit] The Deserter Bands & Miscellaneous nations and groups
- The Private Army of Obidiah Hogswill - Deserters from all nations
- the Barfry corsairs - Ottoman Empire - piratical rebels from the Otharman Empire
- Amerkians - America - revolutionary & post revolutionary America
- Quebecca - French Canada- French Quebec
- Gruff - South America - goatmen slaves of the souff of amerkia
[edit] Characters in Flintloque
There are many special characters mentioned in the world of Valon, below is a list of some of them. (Those marked with an (LE) have or are Limited Edition models).
[edit] Armorica characters
- Morgana - The Deposed Empress of Amorica
- Mordred - The Ferach Emperor (LE)
- Marshal Galahad Ney - Ferach Elf Marshal (LE)
- Marshal Sault - Ferach Elf Marshal (LE)
- Marshal Mouratte - Ferach Elf Marshal (LE)
- Major Michel D'Kless - Elf Spy
- Col Daniel la Roo - Half-Elf Spy & Assassin (LE)
- Colonel Gui de Carcharoth - Elf Officer
- Adrienne St Bane - Elf Officer
- Col. Gui de Carcharoth - Elf Officer
- Ensign Jean d' Alrondt - Elf Officer
- Jacques de Payen - Elf Officer
- Lt.Col.Gawain L'Escargot - Elf Officer
- Sgt. Galahad Berchamps - Elf NCO
[edit] Nepolise characters
- Generale Ferro Rospo -Todoroni Mounted General
- Lucrecia Froggia - Generale Ferro Rosp's Girlfriend
- Luca the Newt - Todoroni Mounted Officer with heavy connections with the Naffia crime families
[edit] Krautian and Finklestien Confederation characters
- Verner Von Raucher - Krautian dwarf Landwehr general
- Major Andi Hundenhoffer - Ostarian dog Landwehr general
- Major Oskar Liebschnitz- Finkelstien ogre confederation officer
- Prince Schwarzenbarch - Finklestien dog confederation general
- Otto Stumpenstien - Finkelstien Confederation dwarf officer and inventor
[edit] Albion characters
- The Duke of Wheeling-Turn - Orc Commander-in-Chief
- King Gorge the III - Ogre king of Albion
- General Fartsagale - Orc Commander-in-Chief (LE)
- Col. Augustus O'Toole - Wheeling-turn's Body Guard
- Col. Oswold Pebblekettle - Orc Rifle Officer
- Major Black Blob Crowfoot - Orc Officer
- Pik-Tan - Orc Officer (LE)
- Wo-Gan - Orc Officer (LE)
- Sim-San - Orc Officer (LE)
- Captain Flashorc - Orc Officer (LE)
- Sir Markus Conclave - Orc Financier & Leader of KORB (Kings Own Rocket Battalion)
- Ian Phleming - Orc Master Spy
- Sir Willorcby & Lady Anna - Gentleorc and Lady (LE)
- Moora - orcish camp follower
- Young Zeke - 60th Loyal Amerkian Rifles (with East Valonian chicken rifle)
[edit] Sharke's 105th Rifles
- Reckhardt Sharke - Orc Rifle Officer
- Sgt. Harpy - Bog Orc Rifle NCO
- C/O Hagsmun - Orc NCO
- C/O Tunge - Orc NCO
- C/O Arris - Orc NCO
- C/O Purrkinz - Orc NCO
- R/O Moor - Rifle Orc (LE)
- R/O Deerness - Rifle Orc (LE)
- R/O 'Im - Rifle Orc, loosely based on author Mac Coxhead (LE)
[edit] Joccian characters
- Captain Angus McBam - Highland Rat Officer
- General Gordon - Highland Rat General
- Surjon moore - Highland rat & the Master of Light infantry tactics
- Wee Davy Baird - General of great repute in Afri/Inj part of the retreat from Koorunna
[edit] Burrovian characters
- Major Bluky 0-hare - Officer in the Burrovian Army.
[edit] Catalucian characters
- King Fernando - Dark Elf King (LE)
- La Spiga - Dark Elf Assassin (LE)
- Don Juan del Mortello - Dark Elf General (LE)
[edit] Al-Garvey characters
- Queen Maria - Mad Goblin Queen of Al-Garvey
- Mr Froggy - Queen Marias glove puppet (literally) and minister of war & finance
- Prince Don Jon - Goblin Regent of Al-Garvey
- Bishop Of Noportoe - Goblin Bishop
[edit] Othari Empire characters
- Viseer al Buluud - Governor of the province Aegptyus
- Khamsin - the scourge of the desert
[edit] Deserter bands
- Obidiah Hogswill - Orc Deserter General and long term enemy of Rekhart Sharke
- Viod Grossman - Ogre deserter standard bearer
- Jivvy Savorc - Orc deserter character
[edit] Witchlands characters
- Lady Rosafiend - Vampyre downfall of Mordred
- Razputravitch - Liche arch manipulator
- Graf von Orlock - Elder Vampyre
- Lord Byrorc - Vampyre Orc
- Count Pavlova - Liche
[edit] Scenarios for the game Flintloque
[edit] Official Scenario Sets
- Lady Wintermore's Fangs (Ferach elves vs undead)
- Sharke's Victory (orc rifles vs Ferach elf)
- FSB001 Las Vegas And The One Armed Bandit (mixed deserters vs d.elf line)
- FSB002 The Bridge Over The River Que (goblins vs Ferach elves)
- FSB003 Cry Havok (werewolves Vs Ferach elves)
- FSB004 Sads Army (orc militia Vs Ferach marines)
- FSB005 Slim And Saggy The Hause Clearers (allied agents Vs Ferach elves)
[edit] Unofficial Scenarios
There are many of these, all by dedicated fans of the game, check by searching Flintloque and following links.
[edit] Humour in Flintloque
As some of the Country and Character names suggest, the game is not entirely serious, and parodies many sources from T.V, films and books. Especially those of Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe in the form of Reckhardt Sharke the Famous Rifle Officer. There are also names and places taken from history, the Napoleonic Wars and also 18th Century Britain and Europe.
Flintloque is well known as being a fun and humorous game, this being a primary attraction in a genre of miniature gaming that is sometimes taken far too seriously.
[edit] Slaughterloo
Slaughterloo is the sister game of Flintloque and instead of small skirmishes it focuses on large scale battles, using the same miniatures in the same scale as Flintloque. It is currently in its second edition, being greatly expanded. The second edition was written by Alex Draper and Gavin Syme.
It has recently been postulated that Slaughterloo would in theory appeal to more historical gamers than sci-fi/fantasy players that like Flintloque.
The game of Slaughterloo certainly, if played with full optional rules (smoke on the field obscureing the enemy and a final morale test to have the courage to charge home are good examples of such), has a very Napoleonic feel.
[edit] Transdimensional Games
Located in Texas, this company is the official Alternative Armies distributor for the Gulf Coast States.
[edit] Frontear
Frontear is a new setting dealing with everything "Amerkian". The revolutionary period, the War of Eighteen Bells (war of 1812), the American Civil War and the concept of good old fashioned Cowborcs and Indians. This supplement leads into the 5th Age of Varlon, the Age of Perkussion.