Talk:Flexible single master operation

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?? need editing writing up!

Does anybody else have the almost irresistable urge to redefine FSMO as "Flying Spaghetti Monster, Orthodox?" MUST. RESIST. URGE.

(The previous FSM related text is nothing to do with the author of the disambiguating text, but the preview doesn't make that clear. Oh well.)

The section on seizing FSMO roles from a DC is a little ambiguous, IMHO. I believe that where it states "If you seize a FSMO role instead of transferring the role, that domain controller can never be allowed to host that FSMO role again." would be better expressed as follows:

"If you seize a FSMO role from a domain controller, instead of transferring the role, the domain controller from which the role was seized can never again be allowed to host that FSMO role."

It's a bit long winded, but I believe it's less ambiguous. 15:03, 2 May 2007 (UTC)