Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes

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Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FACSFAC VACAPES), is a US Navy command that is responsible for the surveillance and control of aircraft within the Virginia Capes, Cherry Point, Atlantic City and Narragansett Bay Operating Areas, and their associated surface areas. It is also responsible for the scheduling of those same areas via a subcommand, Atlantic Fleet Exercise Coordination Center, or AFECC.

Chain of Command is:

Commanding Officer:         CDR Paul Beckley
Executive Officer:               CDR David Bisaillon
Senior Enlisted Advisor:      ACCM  Darryl Person
Director of Operations        CDR Steve Finco

Air Traffic Control Facility Officer; LT Jack Morris

Facility Watch Supervisors: AC1 James "Ty" Archer

                            AC1 Shirley Bearclaw
                            AC1 Jeffery Duncan
                            AC2 David Viger
                            AC2 Daryl Jones
                            AC2 Brett Plymale
                            AC2 Erica Snider