User:Flcelloguy/Mind Benders/Round One

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[edit] The Questions

These are the questions for round 1. If you have solved the answer to one of them, use the "Answer this question" links below the questions. You have to specify how you found the answer or your logic behind the answer. In other words, explain your answer!

There can be more than one individual to answer a question, as the first may be wrong. Remember to place your timestamp to ensure your place. The individual with the most correct answers will be contacted and asked to assist in the next task line-up.

[edit] Question 1

What in the world? Sequences that don't make sense...

Identify the next two terms in the following sequence. Remember to explain your answer.


'Hint: No cussing allowed!

Answer this question

[edit] Question 2

LOST... and hopeless?

Jimmy has been stranded in the South Pole. After wandering around wildly for several days, he stumbles upon a cabin. He enters the cabin, and discovers a kerosene lamp (full with kerosene), a fireplace (full with logs), and a tall candle. Jimmy only has one match. What should he light first?

Answer this question

[edit] Question 3

Does 1 + 1 really equal 2?

We all know that one plus one is two. But is it? Juliwiki has come up with the following proof, and now the world is going crazy. Is she right, or can you identify some error in the proof?

To All Wikipedians: Ha ha, one equals two! No reasons needed in my proof.

Sincerly, Juliwiki

Help us prove Juliwiki wrong! (Or is she right?)

Given: x=y Prove: 1=2

1) x2 = y2 2) x2 − y2 = y2 − x2 3) (x + y)(xy) = y(xy) 4) x + y = y 5) y + y = y 6) 2y = y 7) 2 = 1

Answer this question

This question was the first to be correctly answered. 1 point to Nunh-huh.

[edit] Question 4

A picture is a thousand words... a cropped picture generates a thousand curse words...

Image:Round 9-1.png
Name the image file name and the article it is used on.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 5

Riddles, more riddles, and even more riddles...

  • Everyone offers this thing, but few will take it when it is offered by someone else.
  • Flat as a leaf, round as a ring, has two eyes, but can't see a thing.
  • He gets short when he gets old; He goes out then it gets cold.

When all inlined, move to the right one, add an L. Such a word sounds like an event that occurred between two famous people. One of these famous people has a name that sounds like a song released by a band who's name shares the real last name of a character who portrayed himself as L. F. Walsh in a television show.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 6

It's all a matter of cultural understanding...

The product of these two unlucky numbers produce a number part of an unlucky game. What device is well known for producing an unpleasant sound because it falls under the same category as the unlucky game?

Answer this question

This question was fourteenth answered correctly. 1 point to User:Alphax.

[edit] Question 7

The number you have dialed is no longer in service or has been disconnected.

The above number has several special meanings. Part of this number would represent a city if it was valid to be used in that manner. This city held the "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" event in a certain year which the last two digits of that year would help determine the true meaning of the above number. Furthermore, the event is held periodically around the world, which has a number that would help you further understand the true meaning of the above number.

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[edit] Question 8

All about the numbers, baby...

Substitution method which are according system be most letters mixtures and receiver by substitution.

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[edit] Question 9

Think carefully, for the meaning of the words is chosen very carefully.

Before one could throw rice, the piece went on a journey that attempted to return back to its original starting position.

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[edit] Question 10

Simple mathematics.

6 times 2 is 12. 12 divided by 2 is 6. This formula is used in making simple pastries.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 11

Rather obscure, don't you think?

This name is shared by five people which is placed on an article in a list that appears rather stubbish. One of these five people has a relationship with name that is similar to the name of animal used in a child's game. This child's game requires 2 players to play with up to 4 players that can play. The goal of the game is to grab as many as a certain piece of the game using the mouth of the animal.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 12

Not all what it seems.

This writer's family settled in the Cromwellian period. His last name shares the same name of the full name of the currency of the country of his origin. This writer entered into a college that shares the name of a character of a movie that stars an actor who played Lord of Sirdalmi.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 13

Eh, what's up Doc?

This national symbol comes in red and blue. One used for the nation, the other for a sports team.

Answer this question

This question was second answered correctly. 1 point to User:Alphax.

[edit] Question 14

For purple mountains...

This battle was fought in attempt to take over a city that shares a name of a part on a bottle and took place near mountains that share the name of a former US Presidential candidate.

Answer this question

This question was ninth answered correctly. 1 point to Zoicon5.

[edit] Question 15

They share something.

Working, rent, diamonds... A person in this category was knighted for his work. What person was recently knighted but is unable to use the formal title in front of his name?

Answer this question

[edit] Question 16

In which order of these...

Leo, an animal, a book, an item in the title of the book, an object from inside the item, a form of the object worn for special events or at work as part of the job, a form of this which is contraction of the English words, a specialization of this contraction, a subset of this specialization which are referred to as something which the word looks very similiar to a term used in currency.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 17

It'sway otnay Igpay Atinlay, at'sthay orfay uresay

Wxuqderxw pdb eh idlu sodb, exw d qdph ri d shuvrq olhv xqghuqhdwk wkh iluvw zrug. Gung crefba vf na nepuvgrpg, heona cynaare naq nhgube.

Answer this question

This question was eleventh question answered correctly. ESkog was the first to answer half of the question correctly. kizzle was the first to answer the other half of the question correctly, hidden among the message. 1 point to ESkog for the initial work, and 1 point to kizzle for latter half of the work.

[edit] Question 18

Hey, this is new...

(0010 * ( - )) + + 0100 + 0010 = ?

Answer this question

This question was the twelveth question answered correctly. 1 point to ESkog.

[edit] Question 19

I don't think I need to explain this...

((( - o) - ) - ) + v + 964B00 + Image:Vulpes zerda sitting.jpg

+ Image:Snoop Dog.jpg

Answer this question

This question was tenth answered correctly. 1 point to kizzle
A bonus question for this question was answered correctly. 1 point to Nickptar

[edit] Question 20

But wait, there's more!

So you have discovered
Of a pattern
Here today that
Covers a lot of hidden meanings.
A good eye
Helps a person
To figure
Out such hidden meanings.
A message is hidden within this message.

With that message, you can find an article that covers more information students that take calculus.

Answer this question

This question was the fourth to be correctly answered. 1 point to Grue.

[edit] Question 21

Ah, that's old wives tale

3 prime numbers were used for housewives in starting a society by saving money each day.

This was the seventh question to be answered correctly. 1 point to ESkog

Answer this question

[edit] Question 22

No, it is not the YMCA

What international group for young people has a logo that has the acronym of its group name stuck between what looks like two rolling pins?

Answer this question

[edit] Question 23

If I told you the answer, I'd have to kill you...


Answer this question

This question was the thirteenth to be correctly answered. 1 point to Alphax.

[edit] Question 24

Lint speed!

A quirky layout designed for maximum speed and efficiency.

Answer this question

This question was the fifth to be correctly answered. 1 point to ESkog.

[edit] Question 25

Search? We don't need no stinkin' search!

This article has a picture of 5 animated characters wearing hats that assist them in flying with the main character situated in bottom right.

Answer this question

[edit] Question 26

Opposition to the norm...

This user was nominated as a candidate for adminship, and keeps a non-existant user page.

Answer this question

This question was the third to be correctly answered. 1 point to Grue.