
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I play Feyd/Flayed on World of warcraft, Argent Dawn(EU).


Wiki is not about self promotion, but this page is about the user Flayed. I did make the World of warcraft movie "The Internet is for porn" and Feyd is my online alias. I am not going to hide who I am, and my nick is not going to change even if Feyd now seem to be taken / registered everywhere on the internet.(Even on Wiki, go figure).

Wiki is how I envisioned the internet to be, before the I came in contact with it. Problem we have with the internet today, is that so many things simply disappear in the spam, adds, and.. well, porn. The internet is a garbage bin, and useful information simply get lost, or flycatcher sites try to lure you away from the real information.

Do you wish to buy books about world war 2 on Amazzorg? NO! I want to read about it, I logged onto the internet to find information god damnit!

In short, lets try to make Wiki the way the internet.. SHOULD have been.

If you wish to see more of my work, its at Please note that I been given permission to use the avenue song now, as it: Is non-profit for me. Gave them a lots of free Publicity. --Flayed 07:04, 14 June 2007 (UTC)