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The FL-boat (Fernlenkboote, literally "remote controlled boat") was a weapon used by the Imperial German Navy during World War One. It was a remote-controlled motorboat, 17 m long, carrying 700 kg of explosives, which was intended to be steered directly at its targets - initially the Royal Navy monitors operating off the coast of Flanders.

FL-boats were driven by internal combustion engines, and controlled remotely from a shore station through several miles of wire wound on a spool on the boat. An aircraft was used to signal directions to the shore station. They could attain speeds of 30 knots. They were constructed by Siemens-Schuckertwerke.

On 1917-03-01 an FL-boat made a hit on the Nieuwpoort mole and on 1917-10-28 one hit the Royal Navy monitor HMS Erebus.

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