Fitness boot camp

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A fitness boot camp is a type of physical training program conducted by gyms, personal trainers, and former military personnel. These programs have been increasing in popularity for the past several years. The training often combines running, interval training, and many other exercise using weights and/or body weight to lose body fat, increase cardiovascular efficiency, increase strength, and help people get into a routine of regular exercise. Many programs offer nutrition advice as well. It is alled "boot camp" because it trains groups of people, typically outdoors, and may or may not be similar to military basic training.

The term 'Boot Camp' is currently used in the fitness industry to describe group fitness classes that promote fat loss, camaraderie and team effort. They are designed to push people a little bit further than they would normally push themselves in the gym alone. Boot Camps are often organized outdoors in parks using bodyweight exercises like push ups, squats and burpees, interspersed with running and competitive games. The idea is that everyone involved works at their own pace as they team up and work towards one goal, either in pairs, small teams of 3 or 4, or even 2 teams head on.

Boot Camps are fun, engaging, fast moving, effective and work because they provide social support for those taking part. People make friends and socialize as they exercise, although how strict the Trainers or drill instructors in charge can be will depend on the company running the show. Members of fitness boot camps are usually tested for fitness on Day 1 and then retested at the end of Camp, which usually runs for between 4-6 weeks. Everyone who joins a Boot Camp and sticks with it will see marked improvements in strength, endurance and stamina.