First Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire)

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History of the
Ottoman Empire
Period (Eras):
Rise (1299–1453): Interregnum
Growth (1453–1683) :
Stagnation (1683–1827): Köprülü era
- Sultanate of women - Tulip period
Decline (1828–1908): Tanzimat era -
1stConstitutional Era
Dissolution (1908–1922):
2ndConstitutional Era - Partitioning
External Timeline
Graphical timeline
Opening of the Ottoman Parliament, 1876
Opening of the Ottoman Parliament, 1876

The First Constitutional Era of the Ottoman Empire was the period of constitutional monarchy from the promulgation of the Kanûn-ı Esâsî (meaning "Basic Law" in Ottoman Turkish), written by members of the Young Ottomans, on 23 November 1876 until 13 February 1878. The era ended with the suspension of the Ottoman parliament by Abdülhamid II.

The first constitutional era did not include any party system. It visualized the parliament as the voice of the people but not in the form political parties and organizations. When compared to modern democracy criteria, it was more close to the "Constitutional" government than the other.


[edit] Electoral policies

The elections had been held in accordance with the provisional electoral regulations. In Ottoman design the parliament (house) was composed in two stages. First one is the "Meclis-i Mebusan" (literal "Chamber of Deputies" or House of Representatives), which is the lower house of a bicameral legislature, with the corresponding upper house was the "Heyet-i Ayan" (Senate). The initial selection of deputies ("Meclis-i Mebusan") by administrative councils in the provinces ("Meclis-i Umumi") was used as the method.

After the establishment of "Meclis-i Umumi" in the provinces, the members select the deputies within self to form the "Meclis-i Mebusan" in the capital. Meclis-i Mebusan had 115 members and reflected the distribution of the millets in the empire. During the second elections had 69 Muslim millet representatives and 46 other-millet representatives (Jews, Phanariotes, Armenians) was established.

The second body was "Heyet-i Ayan" ("Senate") and the members were selected by the sultan. "Heyet-i Ayan" had only 26 members. It was designed to replaced the porte the Grand Vizier become the speaker of Heyet-i Ayan.

lower house upper house
Province Meclis-i Umumi
Capital Meclis-i Mebusan Heyet-i Ayan

The two elections, one each year, happened between 1877–78.

[edit] First term, 1877

The members reactions to the incoming war was very strong and Abdülhamid II asked for new elections citing the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878).

[edit] Second term, 1878

The life of the second term of the parliament was counted in days as after the initial speeches by the members from Balkan vilayets Abdülhamid II closed the parliament citing the social unrest.

[edit] Significant people

Mütercim Rüşdî Paşa, Serasker Hüseyin Avni Paşa, Sadrâzam Midhat Paşa, Süleymân Paşa.

[edit] See also
