
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firecat is a Server-side JavaScript webserver. With Firecat a developer can build complete web applications using JavaScript on both the Client-Side (Ajax) and the Server-Side(NSP). It is similar to ASP and JSP, but instead of VBScript and Java, it uses JavaScript as the main scripting language. Firecat is written in Java and can run on any Java virtual machine, but the main target will be to support free Java runtimes such as SableVM, JamVM, Kaffe, GCJ/GIJ and Apache Harmony. Firecat is geared towards webmasters, web designers and web developers, who want to leverage their JavaScript skills on the server side. Building webpages should be simple. Any Internet user should be able to create webpages with server side functionality, without being forced to learn complicated programming languages.

Firecat is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). It uses FESI as the ECMAScript interpreter. Firecat was created by nihonsoft Research.

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