Fire proximity suit

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Firefighters training at a U.S. Air Force base in fire proximity suits.
Firefighters training at a U.S. Air Force base in fire proximity suits.

Fire proximity suits (aka silvers or silver bunker suit) are suits designed to protect a firefighter from high temperatures, especially near fires of extreme temperature such as aircraft fires. They are manufactured from vacuum deposited aluminized materials that reflect the high radiant loads produced by the fire.

There are 3 basic types of these aluminized suits.

  • Approach suit used for work in the general area of high temperatures such as steel mills and smelting facilities. (Ambient heat protection up to~ 200 °F (93 °C).)
  • Proximity suit used for aircraft rescue-fire fighting (AR-FF) and in more heavily insulated versions for kiln work requiring entry into the heated kiln. (Kiln suit ambient protection~ 2,000 °F (1,093 °C) and Proximity ambient protection~ 500 °F (260 °C))
  • Entry suit used for entry into extreme heat and situations requiring protection from total flame engulfment. Most commonly made of Fyrepel and not aluminized. (Entry suit ambient protection~ 1,500 °F (816 °C) for short duration and prolonged radiant heat up to 2,000 °F (1,093 °C))

Complete proximity protection for AR-FF requires:

  • Aluminized hood or helmet cover/neck shroud.
  • Aluminized jacket and pants complete with vapor barrier insulated liner.
  • Aluminized lined gloves.
  • Aluminized AR-FF aluminized boots.
  • SCBA (aluminized covers for air bottles or suits the cover the air pack are also available).

[edit] See also
