
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fidocancan is a loopguru whose raison d'etre is to point out absurdities of the modern world as well as highlight alternative alignments for the betterment of any readers, listeners, and all subjectivities in general.

Fidocancan is committed to advertising the very real though small probability of creating the opportunity for world peace by 2020. It is clear, we don't have the capacity now, nor within the next year. However, if we trust one another to listen to one another, do the best we can, consider the evidence, develop skills through primary social engagement (of which your reading of this wikipedia article is an example), and we align our own personal sense of responsibility and power with collective wellbeing (which includes people who do not have the opportunity to think about such things, who may not own a computer let alone enough food for themselves or their children), we may realise a possibility by 2020.

Of course, it may be much easier to disagree and - what's the term? - revert? or delete this article or any others which Fidocancan contributes to.

Fidocancan is not so much interested in the past, which is the primary perspective of an encyclopedia, to collect facts about the world. Fidocancan is more interested in the future, and whether community members of wikipedia can conceive of the benefit of future projections. That is, let's confront our notions of the future rather than argue about the past.

In this way, Fidocancan trusts you to do the right thing.