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Ferric is a term that means containing or having to do with iron, derived from the Latin word ferrum, meaning "iron". In chemistry the term is reserved for iron with an oxidation number of +3, denoted iron(III) or Fe3+, whereas ferrous indicates that it has oxidation number of +2, denoted iron(II) or Fe2+, which combine with other atoms to form molecules.

Ferric iron is relatively insoluble in water. A salt (chemistry) of ferric iron hydrolyzes water and produces iron(III) oxide-hydroxides while contributing hydrogen ions to the solution, lowering the pH compared to a solution of equal molarity (based on the anion concentration) solution of the analogous sodium or potassium salt.

Ferric dosing can be used to mitigate the impact of nutrient loading in lakes by reducing the bioavailability of phosphorus in the water column. This can aid management strategies for reducing eutrophication in lake systems.

Ferric oxide, formula Fe2O3 is red-brown colored and the main constituent of the mineral hematite.

A synonym of ferric, deriving from the Germanic roots instead of the Latin, is ironic. For example: magnets only attract to ironic substances.